Prophet Muhammad is one of the most influential figures in world history. As the founder of Islam, he not only transformed Arabian society but also left a lasting legacy that continues to shape the lives of over a billion Muslims around the globe. Understanding the significance of his death offers us insights into the development of Islam and its spread across continents. This article delves into how many years since the death of prophet muhammad and the ripple effects it had on the Muslim community and beyond.

The Death of Prophet Muhammad

How many years since the death of prophet muhammad

Prophet Muhammad passed away on June 8, 632 CE (11th year after Hijrah) in the city of Medina. His death came after a brief illness that lasted several days. According to historical records, the Prophet’s illness began shortly after he had returned from his Farewell Pilgrimage, the only Hajj he performed during his lifetime. He had been unwell for several weeks before his eventual passing.

The Prophet’s death was not just a moment of sorrow for his family and companions but marked a critical juncture in the history of Islam.

how many years since the death of prophet muhammad

As of 2024, it has been 1,392 years since the death of Prophet Muhammad. This calculation is derived by subtracting the year of his passing (632 CE) from the current year (2024 CE).

This calculation is important not only for historical reflection but also for Muslims who study the Prophet’s life and teachings. His death marks a transition period for Islam, as the Muslim community had to navigate leadership challenges and continue the spread of the faith without the direct guidance of its Prophet.

Historical Impact of Prophet Muhammad’s Death

The Prophet’s death profoundly impacted the Muslim Ummah (community). Shortly after his passing, the question of leadership arose, leading to the appointment of Abu Bakr, one of the Prophet’s closest companions, as the first Caliph (successor). Abu Bakr’s leadership was instrumental in keeping the Muslim community unified during this time of crisis.

Under Abu Bakr and the subsequent Caliphs, Islam continued to spread across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, eventually becoming a global faith.

The Legacy of Prophet Muhammad

How many years since the death of prophet muhammad

The legacy of Prophet Muhammad lives on through the Qur’an and Hadith, which are central to Islamic teachings. His words, actions, and lifestyle, known as the Sunnah, continue to guide Muslims in all aspects of life, from personal conduct to legal and moral principles. The Sharia, or Islamic law, is largely based on his teachings, and his character is held as the perfect example of how a Muslim should live.

Commemorations of Prophet Muhammad’s Death

Muslims around the world remember Prophet Muhammad through various practices, including daily prayers, fasting, and other acts of devotion. While his death is not widely commemorated with a specific holiday, Muslims reflect on his life and legacy during key Islamic events, especially during Ramadan and Eid celebrations. Different cultural practices in various Muslim communities may involve special prayers or recitations of the Qur’an in his honor.

Controversies Surrounding the Death of Prophet Muhammad

The accounts of Prophet Muhammad’s death vary slightly between Sunni and Shia traditions, particularly concerning the events leading up to his passing and the immediate aftermath. While both sects agree on the basic facts of his death, they differ in interpretations regarding his succession, which has led to centuries of theological and political differences within the Muslim world.

Prophet Muhammad in the Qur’an and Hadith

The Qur’an does not explicitly mention the Prophet’s death, but the Hadiths (sayings and traditions of the Prophet) provide detailed accounts of his final moments and the community’s reaction. These texts emphasize the importance of faith, patience, and reliance on God during times of hardship, which were particularly relevant in the wake of his passing.

Read more: how many times is muhammad mentioned in the quran

The Role of Prophet Muhammad in the Formation of the Islamic State

During his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad not only preached the message of Islam but also established a functional Islamic state in Medina. He implemented laws, built a society based on justice and equality, and led military expeditions to defend and expand the Muslim community. After his death, his successors continued to follow his governance model, which laid the foundation for future Islamic empires.

Key Lessons from the Death of Prophet Muhammad

One of the most profound lessons from the Prophet’s death is the reminder of the impermanence of life. Even someone as beloved and essential as the Prophet Muhammad faced death, highlighting the Islamic belief that every soul shall taste death. His passing also taught the Muslim community the importance of unity, resilience, and trust in God’s plan.

How Prophet Muhammad’s Death Changed Islamic Society

The death of Prophet Muhammad marked a turning point in Islamic society. It forced the Muslim community to develop new systems of leadership and governance. The Rashidun Caliphs, who succeeded him, played an essential role in maintaining the unity of the Muslim community and expanding Islamic influence.

Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings on Life and Death

Prophet Muhammad frequently spoke about life, death, and the afterlife. He encouraged Muslims to live righteous lives, prepare for the hereafter, and meet death with patience and faith. His teachings offer comfort to those who grieve by reminding them of the temporary nature of worldly life and the eternal rewards of the hereafter.


How did Prophet Muhammad die?

Prophet Muhammad passed away due to an illness in 632 CE in Medina.

How do Muslims commemorate the Prophet’s death?

Muslims reflect on his life and teachings, though there is no specific holiday for commemorating his death.

What is the significance of the Prophet’s death in Islamic history?

His death marked the beginning of the Caliphate and a significant period of Islamic expansion.

How many years has it been since Prophet Muhammad passed away?

As of 2024, it has been 1,392 years since his passing.

What were the immediate effects of Prophet Muhammad’s death on Islam?

The Muslim community had to address leadership succession, which led to the establishment of the Caliphate under Abu Bakr.


The death of Prophet Muhammad, though a moment of profound grief for the early Muslims, also served as a pivotal moment in Islamic history. It marked the beginning of the Islamic Caliphate and the spread of Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula. His legacy remains strong, and his teachings continue to guide Muslims in all aspects of life.

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