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The term “jihad” often evokes various images and perceptions, largely due to its misinterpretation and sensationalized portrayal in the media. While it is commonly associated with armed struggle and terrorism, the concept of jihad has much broader and deeper dimensions. Beyond the popular narrative, jihad encompasses a spiritual struggle, an internal quest for self-improvement, and a commitment to contributing positively to society. In this article on Arabian Tongue, we explore the multifaceted nature of Jihad in everyday lives.

Understanding Jihad

Jihad in everyday lives
Understanding Jihad


Jihad is an Arabic word that translates to “struggle” or “effort.” It is rooted in Islamic teachings and signifies the devotion and commitment of a believer towards various aspects of life. Unfortunately, the term has been sensationalized and misrepresented, leading to widespread misunderstanding and fear.

Read also: Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq.

How to Resist Sins: A guide to self-jihad

In various religious and ethical frameworks, sin refers to actions or behaviors that go against moral principles and spiritual teachings. These transgressions can bring about feelings of guilt, inner turmoil, and detachment from one’s higher self, Here are the most important steps of self-jihad:

Recognizing the Consequences

Understanding the consequences of giving in to sins is crucial for motivating oneself to resist temptation. Sins can lead to a spiral of negative emotions and perpetuate harmful cycles that hinder personal growth. Recognizing these effects helps foster a deeper commitment to change.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

The first step to resisting sins is becoming aware of your weaknesses and triggers. Reflect on past experiences and patterns to identify situations that lead to succumbing to temptation. Self-awareness allows you to proactively address potential pitfalls.

Setting Clear Values and Goals

Define your core values and establish meaningful life goals. When you have a clear sense of purpose, it becomes easier to make decisions aligned with your principles. Having a vision for the future empowers you to resist momentary pleasures that may lead to sin.

Strengthening Your Spiritual Practice

Engaging in spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, or mindfulness, can enhance your inner strength and resilience. A strong spiritual foundation provides support during moments of weakness and offers a sense of guidance in making righteous choices.

Read more: Al-Khulafaa Al-Rashidu.

Types of jihad

There are two types of jihad in our daily lives:

Jihad as a Spiritual Struggle

Represents the following:

Inner Jihad: The Struggle Against Personal Flaws

One of the essential aspects of jihad is the concept of inner struggle. It involves introspection and self-awareness, recognizing our flaws, and working towards self-improvement. Inner jihad encourages believers to combat negative traits like greed, anger, and jealousy, striving to become better individuals.

Recommend: Umar Ibn Al-Khattab.

Self-Reflection and Growth

Jihad encourages regular self-reflection and contemplation. Engaging in self-improvement practices, such as mindfulness and meditation, allows individuals to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their actions.

Jihad as an Armed Struggle

Represents the following:

Misinterpretations and Misuse of Jihad

Regrettably, the true meaning of jihad as a spiritual struggle has been overshadowed by its association with armed conflict. Extremist groups have distorted the concept to justify violence and terrorism, leading to misconceptions about Islam as a whole.

Historical Examples of Jihad as Armed Struggle

Throughout history, there have been instances where jihad was appropriately used in defense against aggression. However, these occurrences are often misunderstood or misrepresented, contributing to misconceptions about the concept.

Read more: Uthman Ibn Affan.

Jihad in Modern Times

Jihad in everyday lives
Jihad in Modern Times

Represents the following:

Media Portrayal and Misunderstandings

Media outlets play a significant role in shaping public opinion about jihad. Biased reporting and sensationalism perpetuate stereotypes, further fueling fear and misunderstanding.

Jihadist Movements and Terrorism

Certain extremist groups exploit the term “jihad” to recruit followers and propagate their ideologies. It is crucial to differentiate these fringe elements from the broader, peaceful Islamic community.

Jihad in Everyday Lives

Jihad in daily life is as follows:

Applying Jihad’s Concept to Personal Development

Embracing the true essence of jihad, individuals can work towards personal development. By striving to be better versions of themselves, they contribute positively to their families, communities, and society at large.

Contributing Positively to Society

Jihad inspires individuals to engage in charitable acts, promoting social welfare and community development. By actively participating in humanitarian causes, people exemplify the benevolent nature of true jihad.

The Ethics of Jihad

Jihad is not just a name, but there is an ethics for jihad that we must have from it:

Understanding the Limits and Intentions

Jihad comes with ethical boundaries, emphasizing the avoidance of harm to innocent lives. It is crucial to understand the true intentions behind this concept and not let it be exploited for violent purposes.

Promoting Peace and Tolerance

True jihad promotes peace, compassion, and tolerance. Embracing diversity and understanding different perspectives fosters harmony and mutual respect among individuals and communities.

Recommend: Ali Ibn Abi Talib.

How to Get Close to God

Jihad in everyday lives
How to Get Close to God

Many individuals seek to forge a closer bond with a higher power, seeking solace, guidance, and purpose in their lives. While the journey of getting close to God is deeply personal, it is a universal longing shared across cultures and religions.

Engaging in Prayer and Worship

Prayer and worship act as bridges between the material and the spiritual realms. Through prayer, individuals communicate with God, expressing their hopes, fears, and gratitude. Additionally, various forms of worship, whether communal or individual, provide opportunities to immerse oneself in the divine presence.

Seeking Guidance from Sacred Texts

Throughout history, sacred texts have served as beacons of wisdom and guidance. These scriptures contain valuable teachings that offer insights into living a purposeful and righteous life. Regular study and contemplation of these texts provide valuable insights for the spiritual journey.

Practicing Acts of Kindness and Compassion

At the core of most spiritual traditions lies the emphasis on kindness and compassion. Acts of selfless love not only benefit others but also elevate the spirit of the giver. Engaging in acts of kindness and compassion creates a ripple effect of positivity, drawing one closer to the essence of divinity.

Recommend: Quran Recitation online Course For Kids.

The Role of Jihad in Islamic Philosophy

The role of jihad is Islamic philosophy:

Jihad as a Concept of Just War

Islamic philosophy views jihad as a means of just war, with strict guidelines and ethical principles.

Jihad as a Means of Defending the Faith

Jihad is also a means of defending the Islamic faith from ideological threats and misconceptions.

The Misuse of Jihad for Political Gain

Jihad as a Tool for Extremist Ideologies, Extremist groups have exploited the concept of jihad for their political agendas, distorting its true meaning.

Separating True Jihad from Misguided Interpretations

Muslim scholars emphasize the importance of understanding true jihad to counter extremist narratives.

Jihad and Peaceful Coexistence

The relationship between jihad and peaceful coexistence is evident in the following:

The Importance of Dialogue and Understanding

Promoting dialogue and understanding between different faiths is a form of constructive jihad.

Promoting Tolerance and Mutual Respect

Jihad also entails fostering tolerance, mutual respect, and harmonious coexistence.

The Global Impact of Jihad Stories

Stories of jihad have affected globally:

Influence on Muslim Identity

Jihad stories have shaped Muslim identity and self-perception throughout history.

Impact on Non-Muslim Perceptions

The portrayal of jihad stories has significantly impacted non-Muslim perceptions of Islam and its followers.

Modern Interpretations and Relevance

Modernists have interpreted jihad from their view as:

Scholars’ Perspectives on Jihad Today

Contemporary scholars offer diverse perspectives on the relevance of jihad in the modern world.

Navigating Jihad in the 21st Century

Understanding the complexities of jihad helps Muslims navigate its relevance in the present age.

Embracing the Real Meaning of Jihad

Empowering Communities, Understanding true jihad empowers Muslim communities to counter extremism and promote peace.

Emphasizing Education and Knowledge

Education plays a vital role in dispelling misconceptions about jihad and promoting its authentic understanding.


Is jihad solely about armed struggle?

No, jihad encompasses both armed struggle and the inner spiritual struggle for self-improvement.

Are all Muslims obligated to participate in armed jihad?

No, participation in armed jihad is subject to specific conditions and contexts.

How can individuals practice inner jihad?

Practicing inner jihad involves self-awareness, self-reflection, and striving to overcome personal flaws.

Does jihad promote violence and terrorism?

True jihad promotes peace, compassion, and the betterment of society, rejecting violence against innocent lives.

Can non-Muslims also practice jihad?

The concept of personal struggle for self-improvement transcends religious boundaries, making jihad applicable to anyone seeking personal growth.


Jihad, often misunderstood and misused, holds a profound significance in Islam. Beyond its misrepresented association with violence, jihad encompasses a spiritual struggle for self-improvement and a commitment to creating a positive impact in society. By embracing the true essence of jihad, we can foster understanding, peace, and personal growth.

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