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Fajr is from what time to what time

Fajr is from what time to what time

Fajr prayer, also known as the dawn prayer, holds significant importance in Islam. It is one of the five obligatory prayers that Muslims perform daily. Fajr prayer marks the beginning of the day and serves as a spiritual awakening before the hustle and bustle of daily life, in this article…

Can i pray fajr when i wake up

Can i pray fajr when i wake up

Fajr prayer, also known as the dawn prayer, holds a significant place in Islam. It marks the beginning of the day and is considered one of the five obligatory prayers for Muslims. The timing of Fajr prayer is crucial, and it holds immense spiritual importance in the lives of believers,…

How long before fajr can i pray tahajjud

How long before fajr can i pray tahajjud

Among the various aspects of Tahajjud prayer, one crucial question often arises: how long before Fajr can I pray Tahajjud? Understanding the timing of Tahajjud in relation to Fajr is essential for maximizing the spiritual benefits of this blessed act of worship. In this article on Arabian Tongue website, we…

Can you pray fajr when the sun is rising

Can you pray fajr when the sun is rising

The Fajr prayer, one of the five obligatory prayers in Islam, holds significant importance for Muslims worldwide. It marks the beginning of the day and symbolizes the awakening of the soul to seek the blessings and guidance of the Almighty. However, amidst busy schedules and varied interpretations, questions arise regarding…

Can i pray fajr immediately after adhan at home

Can i pray fajr immediately after adhan at home

Fajr, the pre-dawn prayer, holds immense significance in Islam. It marks the beginning of the day’s worship and symbolizes the believer’s commitment to starting their day in remembrance of Allah. However, there is often confusion surrounding the timing of Fajr prayer, in this article on Arabian Tongue website we will…

Can i pray fajr before time because of work

Can i pray fajr before time because of work

In Islam, prayers hold a significant place in the life of a believer. They serve as a means of connecting with the Almighty, seeking guidance, and expressing gratitude. Among the five daily prayers prescribed in Islam, Fajr holds special importance, signifying the beginning of the day and awakening from slumber…

what to do if you wake up late for fajr

what to do if you wake up late for fajr

Fajr prayer holds immense significance in Islam, marking the beginning of the day with remembrance and devotion to Allah. However, it’s not uncommon to find oneself waking up late for Fajr due to various reasons. In this article on Arabian Tongue website, we’ll explore what to do if you wake…

Ramadan Calendar Zambia 2025

Ramadan Calendar Zambia 2025

The exact dates of Ramadan change every year because the Islamic calendar is based on the cycles of the Moon. Because the Islamic calendar is based around the lunar cycle, the Holy month of Ramadan rotates by approximately ten days each year. The Ramadan Calendar Zambia and the 30-day timetable…

Ramadan Calendar Russia 2025

Ramadan Calendar Russia 2025

The exact dates of Ramadan change every year because the Islamic calendar is based on the cycles of the Moon. Because the Islamic calendar is based around the lunar cycle, the Holy month of Ramadan rotates by approximately ten days each year. The Ramadan Calendar Russia and the 30-day timetable…