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A Guide To Understanding Divorce in Islam

A Guide To Understanding Divorce in Islam

Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman, rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Both partners are expected to treat each other with respect and kindness, however, sometimes things may not go as planned. Islam acknowledges that divorce can be necessary under certain circumstances,…

The Importance of Qurbani in the Islamic Faith

The Importance of Qurbani in the Islamic Faith

Qurbani means sacrifice. Every year during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah specifically on Eid ul-Adha Muslims everywhere remember the ultimate sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was prepared to make. The Qurbani story states that, in a submission to Allah’s will and defiance of the Devil Shaitan, the Prophet Ibrahim…

Islam and Science: A Co-Existent Perspective

Islam and Science: A Co-Existent Perspective

Islam is a faith that promotes both devotions to the divine and the pursuit of knowledge. The two go hand in hand, each complementing the other and leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world and its creator. As the famous verse from the Quran, Surah Ta-Ha, 20:114,…

Marriage in Islam: Insights From the Qur’an

Marriage in Islam: Insights From the Qur’an

“It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her… ” [7:189] Islam places a strong emphasis on the commitment and sanctity of marriage. It holds a unique status, blending both sacramental and contractual elements. Marriage in…

Understanding Tawakkul: Trusting in Allah

Understanding Tawakkul: Trusting in Allah

Tawakkul, or trust and reliance on Allah, is a fundamental concept in Islam that involves accepting the outcomes of our actions and decisions, regardless of how they may turn out. It is rooted in the belief that everything that happens in our lives is ultimately under the control of Allah…

The Importance of Charity in Islam

The Importance of Charity in Islam

The act of charity is not only limited to giving money, but it also includes giving time, knowledge, and skills to those in need. Helping to build a mosque, volunteering at a homeless shelter, or mentoring a child are all examples of charitable acts. In Islam, charity is not just…