Last Updated on March 5, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team
As a Muslim, offering prayers is an essential part of our daily routine, and it is one of the five pillars of Islam. There are five mandatory prayers that Muslims have to offer each day, and Asr is one of them. Asr is the afternoon prayer that is offered after the Zuhr prayer and before the Maghrib prayer. It is an obligatory prayer that every Muslim has to offer daily. In this blog post, we will discuss what Asr prayer is, its significance, the procedures to perform it, tips for offering it, the benefits of performing it, common mistakes to avoid, how to make up a missed Asr prayer, and the recommended Azkar after Asr prayer.
What is Asr Prayer?
Asr prayer is one of the five daily prayers that Muslims have to offer. It is performed in the afternoon after the Zuhr prayer and before the Maghrib prayer. The time for Asr prayer starts when the shadow of an object is twice its length, and it ends when the sun starts to turn yellow. It is a mandatory prayer that every Muslim has to offer daily. Muslims are required to perform Asr prayer in the congregation if possible, and if not, they can offer it individually.
The Significance of Asr Prayer Asr prayer holds a significant position in Islam, and it is obligatory for every Muslim to offer it daily. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has emphasized the importance of Asr prayer in many Hadiths. He said, “Whoever performs the Asr prayer, then he has certainly acquired the good of this world and the Hereafter.” (Muslim) This Hadith shows the importance and significance of Asr prayer in a Muslim’s life.
The Procedures of Asr Prayer

The procedures of Asr prayer are similar to other mandatory prayers. Here is a brief guide on how to perform the Asr prayer:
- Make sure you are in a state of purity (Wudu or Ghusl).
- Face the direction of the Kaaba (Qibla).
- Raise your hands to your ears and say the Takbir (Allahu Akbar).
- Recite Surah Al-Fatihah.
- Recite a Surah or some verses from the Quran.
- Bow down in Ruku and recite Subhana Rabbiyal Adheem three times.
- Stand up straight and say “Sami Allahu liman hamidah.”
- Prostrate (Sujud) and say “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” three times.
- Sit up straight and say “Allahu Akbar.”
- Prostrate (Sujud) again and say “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” three times.
- Sit up straight and say “Allahu Akbar.”
- Repeat steps 6-11 for the second Rak’ah.
- Sit for the final Tashahhud and recite the Salawat (Durood).
- End the prayer by turning your head to the right and saying “Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah” and then to the left and repeating the same.
Tips for Offering Asr Prayer
Here are some tips that can help you in offering Asr prayer:
- Try to offer Asr prayer in the congregation if possible.
- Be mindful of the time and offer Asr prayer before the time ends.
- Focus on your prayer and avoid any distractions.
- Recite the Quran with understanding and reflection.
- Make Dua after the prayer for yourself, your family, and the Muslim Ummah.
Benefits of Performing Asr Prayer
Asr prayer holds numerous benefits, and some of them are:
- It brings us closer to Allah (SWT)
- It serves as a reminder of our obligations to Allah.
- It provides a break in our daily routine and allows us to connect with Allah.
- It helps in purifying our souls and seeking forgiveness for our sins.
- It strengthens our faith and reinforces our commitment to Islam.
- It brings peace and tranquility to our minds and hearts.
The Sunnah Actions of Asr Prayer
Sunnah Actions of Asr Prayer In addition to the mandatory actions of Asr prayer, there are also some recommended Sunnah actions that Muslims can follow. Some of these include:
- Performing Wudu before the prayer.
- Reciting Surah Al-Asr after Surah Al-Fatihah in the first Rak’ah.
- Reciting a different Surah or verses from the Quran in the second Rak’ah.
- Sitting for a brief period of time after the second Sujud before standing up for the second Rak’ah.
Common Mistakes to Avoid during Asr Prayer
There are some common mistakes that Muslims make during Asr prayer, and they should be avoided. Some of these include:
- Delaying the prayer until the time is almost over.
- Rushing through the prayer and not taking the time to focus.
- Fidgeting or moving excessively during the prayer.
- Not performing the necessary actions correctly, such as Ruku and Sujud.
How to Make Up a Missed Asr Prayer
If a Muslim misses the Asr prayer for any reason, they should make it up as soon as possible. Here are the steps to make up a missed Asr prayer:
- Determine the number of Rak’ahs missed.
- Make Wudu or Ghusl if necessary.
- Face the Qibla and begin the prayer by saying the Takbir.
- Recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or verses from the Quran.
- Complete the prayer as usual, following the procedures of Asr prayer.
Recommended Azkar after Asr Prayer
After completing the Asr prayer, Muslims can recite some recommended Azkar (supplications) to seek blessings and rewards from Allah. Some of the recommended Azkar after Asr prayer include:
- Reciting the Tasbih of Fatimah: SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar 33 times each.
- Reciting Ayatul Kursi (Verse of the Throne).
- Reciting the four Quls (Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, Surah Al-Nas, and Surah Al-Kafirun).
- Seeking forgiveness from Allah by reciting Astaghfirullah (I seek forgiveness from Allah).
In conclusion, the Asr prayer is an essential pillar of Islam that Muslims must perform daily. It serves as a reminder of our obligations to Allah and provides an opportunity to seek forgiveness for our sins. By performing the Asr prayer, we can strengthen our faith and reinforce our commitment to Islam.
If you want to learn more about the Asr prayer or Islam in general, we invite you to subscribe for a free trial lesson with us. Our experienced and qualified tutors can help you understand the basics of Islam.
What is the time for Asr prayer?
The time for Asr prayer starts when the length of an object's shadow equals its actual length and ends when the sun begins to set.
Can I combine Asr prayer with other prayers?
In certain circumstances, such as travel or sickness, Muslims are allowed to combine Asr prayer with other prayers.
What happens if I miss the Asr prayer?
If you miss the Asr prayer, you should make it up as soon as possible by following the steps outlined above.
Can women pray Asr prayer during their menstrual cycle?
Women are not allowed to perform any prayers during their menstrual cycle, including Asr prayer. They can make up for the missed prayers after their cycle ends.