Author page: Arabian Tongue Team

Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

The Arabic influence on Spanish is apparent to this day in terms of culture, language, music, and cuisine. The Arabs ruled most of the Iberian peninsula for 800 years beginning the 8th century. That’s why the Spanish adopted not only words and phrases, but also traditions, customs, and innovations from…

Arabic Influence On Spanish Culture

Arabic Influence On Spanish Culture

The legacy of the Arabic influence on Spanish is undeniable and can be seen in various aspects of Spanish culture and society. From language and cuisine to architecture and science, the impact of Arab civilization on Spain is truly remarkable. One of the most notable examples of the Arabic influence…

The Month of Muharram: Facts and Traditions

The Month of Muharram: Facts and Traditions

Muharram, the first month of the Hijri calendar, holds a special significance in the Islamic faith. It is referred to as “the Sacred Month of Allah” and holds a high level of sanctity. This is reflected in its name, “Muharram,” which means “forbidden,” as certain actions become prohibited during this…

The Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad

The Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad

The migration of Prophet Muhammad, also known as the Hijrah, was a pivotal moment in the history of Islam. The persecution by the Quraish, a powerful tribe in Makkah, had grown increasingly intense and the suffering of the prophet’s followers had become unbearable. The prophet, along with his close companion…

Islamic view of the afterlife

Islamic view of the afterlife

The concept of the afterlife is an integral part of Islam. It is believed that when an individual dies, their soul continues to exist in the afterlife, which is closely linked to their actions in this life. The Quran and Hadith, the sacred texts of Islam, provide detailed descriptions of…

Riba in Islam – Meaning And Facts

Riba in Islam – Meaning And Facts

Riba is an Arabic word that translates to “increase” or “exceed” in English and refers to any type of financial gain made through the use of another’s money. This includes charging interest or engaging in unequal exchanges. Riba is considered a forbidden practice in Islamic law as it is seen…