Last Updated on July 5, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team
The recitation of the Noble Qur’an is a unique style, and a wonderful example that combines the approval of the Sharia and the appropriateness of nature, so that it achieves the desired goal of reciting it, and repeating its verses over and over again as the Noble Qur’an calls for it in His saying, the Most High:
وَاتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ مِنْ كِتَابِ رَبِّكَ
This special method in which the Holy Qur’an is unique – recitation and performance – depends mainly on correcting the letters, mastering standing, contemplating the meaning, and understanding the significance, with the kindness of the vocal performance, the beauty of pronouncing it, and repeating it.
The Messenger, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, called us to distinguish the Holy Qur’an from other colors of speech in performance and expression, and to place it in a special framework consistent with the majesty of its message and the sanctity of its goals. In this context, we will discuss the best way to beautify Quran recitation.
What are the ways to beautify the Quran recitation?
The sound can be improved when reading the Noble Qur’an in many ways, So we will discuss the best way to beautify Quran recitation:
- Listening to a person’s voice after recording it on special devices, and practicing reading in front of family and friends; To remove the fear that may affect the reader when reading in front of others.
- Paying attention to the exits of letters, paying attention to their qualities, and training in pronouncing difficult words, such as words that combine the letters of supremacy, purifying and filtering the voice while recording it from all that is distorted, and others.
- The reader can also choose a Sheikh reciter close to the degree of the reciter’s voice, provided that the reader finds it easy to imitate the Sheikh reciter he chose.
- And he tries to listen to the Sheikh’s reading; Through the recording tapes, or hear from him directly if possible, and makes sure to listen to him on a daily basis for an hour.
- And try to imitate him in any way related to simulation and imitation, and then imitate him alone without listening to the recordings for about an hour, and he continues to do so daily.
- Then he compares each recitation with another and looks at the extent of development until he masters that matter.
So he does not move to another stage before that, and whoever wants to improve his voice can imitate the voice of another reciter after being able to master the imitation of the voice of the first reciter.
Recommended reading: 5 Important Tips For Learning Proper Tajweed
How can the Quran be beautified and made more appealing?

There are many etiquettes that the reader should observe while reciting the Qur’an, including the following:
- The desirability of stopping reading when yawning; Because the servant addresses his Lord and calls upon Him, as well as not messing around or a lot of movement without need.
- Raising the Qur’an with one’s hand or something high, and not placing it on the ground.
- Standing at the signs of promise and asking Allah of His bounty, standing at the signs of warning and seeking refuge in Allah from His torment, because the Prophet – upon him be peace and blessings – did that, as it came in the hadith:
(قمتُ معَ رسولِ اللَّهِ صلَّى اللَّهُ علَيهِ وعلَى آلِه وسلَّمَ فبدأ فاستاكَ ثمَّ تَوضَّأ ثمَّ قامَ يصلِّي وقمتُ معَهُ فبدأ فاستَفتحَ البقرةَ لا يمرُّ بآيةِ رحمةٍ إلَّا وقفَ فسألَ ولا يمرُّ بآيةِ عذابٍ إلَّا وقفَ يتعَوَّذُ).
- Reciting the Qur’an with contemplation, and his greatest concern should not be a lot of recitation, with the heart recalling the verses that he reads, and he hates the speed in reciting the Qur’an.
- The desirability of secret reading is if the reader fears for himself hypocrisy and wonder and if he does not fear himself from that; Loudness is better for him.
Read also: The Best 5 Reciter/Qari for Learning Tajweed
What are the benefits of beautifying Quran recitation?
Many hadiths mention the virtue of reciting the Noble Qur’an in a sweet voice, among which we mention the following:
- The two Sheikhs narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – said:
«ما أذن الله لشيء ما أذن لنبي حسن الصوت يتغنى بالقرآن يجهر به».
- Abu Dawud narrated from the hadith of Abu Lubaba, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – said:
«من لم يتغن بالقرآن فليس منا»
- Al-Hakim narrated from the hadith of Al-Bara bin Azib that the Messenger of Allah – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – said:
«زينوا القرآن بأصواتكم، فإن الصوت الحسن يزيد القرآن حسنًا».
- Ibn Majah narrated from the hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah – may Allah prayers and peace be upon him – said:
«إن من أحسن الناس صوتًا بالقرآن، الذي إذا سمعتموه يقرأ، حسبتموه يخشى الله»
Further reading: Learning Quran With Tajweed Online: Benefits And Importance

What are some potential challenges to beautifying Quran recitation?
It is well known that there are some obstacles that Muslim faces while reciting the Holy Quran, and they are as follows:
- Looseness during reading: This problem can be overcome by mastering the Arabic language completely. If the reader is interested in learning the exits of letters and the correct way to pronounce each letter, he will not suffer from this problem.
- Follow the simulation method, as this method is fair within the Best way to beautify Quran recitation, which helps the reader to improve the recitation in a relatively large way.
Help your Kids learn to recite the Quran correctly with Quran Recitation online Course For Kids.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that reciting the Noble Qur’an with a sweet voice is one of the things that many Muslims prefer when reciting the Qur’an. And if you do not have a good voice, you can improve the recitation of the Noble Qur’an through a number of steps, which are classified within the Best way to beautify Quran recitation, and that Proficiency in the Arabic language and the provisions of tajweed.
How can I beautify my Quran recitation?
Reciting the Holy Qur’an is one of the obligatory matters for every obligated Muslim, as we talked about previously, and reciting the Holy Qur’an in a sweet and beautiful voice. There are some steps that must be followed, such as reading according to the rules of intonation, as the rules of tajweed are considered the Best way to beautify Quran recitation.