Last Updated on June 15, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team

The best age to memorize the Quran is a subject of debate among scholars and educators. Some argue that the earlier a child begins memorizing the Quran, the easier it will be for them to retain the information. This is because children’s brains are more receptive to learning new information at a young age, and they are also able to absorb and retain information more easily.

On the other hand, some argue that the best age to memorize the Quran is during the teenage years or adulthood. This is because as children get older, they develop a better understanding of the language and context of the Quran, which can aid in their memorization. Additionally, teenagers and adults may have more focus and discipline to dedicate to the task of memorization.

What are the benefits of memorizing the Quran?

There are many virtues that a Muslim obtains for memorizing the Noble Qur’an, which are:

  • The Qur’an provides psychological and moral support to every Muslim and helps him to live in peace. Recent studies have also proven that memorizing the Holy Qur’an protects against aging as well as psychological diseases.
  • The Noble Qur’an is the Muslim’s companion in this world, a light to his grave in the next, and an intercessor for its companion on the Day of Resurrection.
  • It develops a sense of discovery in children, so some scientists say that Best Age For Quran Memorization is the third or fourth, as it stimulates mental development in children.
  • It nurtures in the Muslim the instinct of obedience and urges him to draw closer to Allah Almighty.
  • The Noble Qur’an is a source of Islamic rulings and religion, as all the rulings of Islam are worship and transactions derived from the Qur’an.

What is the best age to start memorizing Quran? 

Some believe that the best age to memorize Quran is in the first years of the child’s life, starting from the third to the sixth, as the speed of the child’s absorption is much more compared to. in advanced stages.

On the other hand, some believe that the Best Age For Quran Memorization starts from the seventh to the age of ten, where it came from the Prophet the teachings of prayer that the boy should be taught to pray starting from the seventh and to the tenth.

Ultimately, the best age to memorize the Quran will vary for each individual. Some children may be able to memorize the Quran easily at a young age, while others may find it more challenging. Similarly, some teenagers and adults may find memorization easier, while others may struggle.

Regardless of age, there are a few key factors that can aid in the memorization of the Quran. These include:

  • Consistently setting aside time for memorization and review
  • Breaking down the Quran into manageable portions
  • Using techniques such as repetition and visualization to aid in memorization
  • Staying motivated and accountable through regular review sessions or a study partner

It is important to note that memorization of the Quran is not just a one-time achievement but it’s a continuous process to keep it fresh in memory and to act upon it. It’s a lifelong journey that requires dedication and patience.

Interesting topic: How to memorize the Holy Qur’an in one year

The Holy Quran - Surah Al-Hujurat
The Holy Quran – Surah Al-Hujurat

What tips can help someone memorize Quran? 

Memorizing the Noble Qur’an is not an easy thing. Rather, a Muslim needs the assistance of an able sheikh, even if the Muslim is skilled in the Qur’an, in order to avoid making a mistake during reading or during memorization. Therefore, we are interested in Arabian Tongue by providing a set of advice to students, namely:

  • Revising the Noble Qur’an is more important than memorizing, so students should review each part continuously after completing its memorization.
  • We conduct workshops for memorizing the Qur’an with the participation of more than one student at the same time, which increases the spirit of competition among students.

What are the challenges of memorizing the Quran?

The path of memorizing the Qur’an is afflicted with many difficulties, and among these difficulties are:


it is the opposite of education and a person may be exposed to forgetting what he has memorized from the Qur’an, which results in a sin unless he understands the meaning of what he has forgotten from the Qur’an and acts according to his understanding.

Time management problems

this problem lies in not arranging the hours of the day and night in a correct way to determine enough time for each work to be completed in the day.


the meaning of apathy, weakness, and boredom from completing what he started, and this is one of the fluctuations of the human soul.

Recitation errors

 which means mediocrity, and it is against intonation, which means reciting the recitation with good words, and it is divided into several sections. The scholars put for each section a knowledge that takes care of it and corrects the error that Hafiz makes, including; The error in controlling the letters and dealing with it is the science of intonation.

Or in the word and it is handled by the morphology, or in the control of speech and the science of endowment and the beginning handles it.

Interesting reading: The Best 4 Apps Made Quran Memorization Easy in 2023

What is the most important factors in memorizing Quran? 

  • There are foundations that we should not lose sight of in the matter of memorizing the Qur’an, including:
  • Be away from sin.
  • Sincere determination: Memorizing the Qur’an requires sincere determination and high determination.
  • Memorization at the hands of a Sheikh, or with the help of one of the sites specialized in this field, such as Arabian Tongue.
  • Following a correct methodological approach: If the beginning is good, the conclusion is good.
  • continuity: This is a matter that may be of long duration and time gets boring on the way.

What are some methods to help improve the memorization of the Quran? 

There are some auxiliary factors that can help you save, for example:

Tips to improve Quran memorization
Tips to improve Quran memorization
  • Reading what you memorize in the prayers.
  • Read all the time you can.
  • Reading the mihrab, while leading people in prayer, is the correct test for memorization.
  • Hearing Quranic tapes for some readers, especially those with beautiful voices.
  • Commitment to one Quran for memorization, as getting used to it helps to memorize, and this is something tried and recommended by the memorizers.

What are some tips for those who have difficulty memorizing Quran? 

As we mentioned earlier, there is no best age to memorize Quran, In addition, a Muslim may face difficulty in learning the Qur’an, so here are these tips:

  • It is necessary to adhere to a specialist who has memorized the Qur’an, because this will make you most of the time not to be lazy or fall short, and if this matter is not available, you can join in Arabian Tongue.
  • Reduce the amount memorized to the amount that does not stress you mentally, as this calls for the good memorization of the Noble Qur’an and its consolidation in memory.
  • Daily maintenance and no interruption, no matter the circumstances.
  • Use write to install save.
  • Read what you have memorized from the above, or from what you are about to memorize, which is the first in your prayers.
  • Commitment to continuous review.

Read also: What is the ruling on memorizing the Qur’an?

What are some common mistakes people make when memorizing Quran?

A Muslim may be exposed to some errors while memorizing the Holy Qur’an, and these errors include:

  • Recitation errors, which are intended to read the verses incorrectly.
  • Not reviewing what has been previously memorized, and thus the Muslim is exposed to forgetting all of what has been previously memorized.
  • Not considering the verses of the Qur’an.
The Holy Quran - Book of Muslims
The Holy Quran – Book of Muslims


To summarize there is no best age to memorize Quran, but you can memorize the Holy Qur’an regardless of your age, as long as you have the determination and sincere intention to Allah, and Allah will help you to memorize his book.

Moreover, you must not fall into the mistake of memorizing without reviewing The Qur’an is repeated over and over again, as this will expose you to forgetting all the verses of the Qur’an that you have memorized.


At what age should you start memorizing the Quran?

Some believe that the Best Age For Quran Memorization starts from the second year of the child, where the Sheikh begins at this stage by teaching your child Arabic. Then grades the provisions of intonation according to what suits the child’s mind, and then begins to recite until it reaches the level of memorization of The Holy Quran. On the other hand, some believe that the best age to memorize Quran begins at the age of five, as the child's absorption capacity at this stage is very much higher compared to younger children.

Is it possible to memorize the Quran in 1 year?

Yes, dear Muslim, you can memorize the Qur’an within only one year, provided that you possess the skill and know-how that makes you able to memorize the Qur’an faster. And you can actually start implementing a plan to memorize the Holy Qur’an within one year, but you must memorize more than 20 verses per day.

How can I help my child memorize Quran?

The best age to memorize Quran is at a young stage, as the absorption of the young child is much greater compared to the adult person, and there are some things that help your child to memorize the Holy Quran. The first of which is the good environment, the more religiously committed the parents the child is similar to them. Children also love to share with others and interact with their colleagues of the same age, so they can participate in online Quran memorization courses at Arabian Tongue, where these courses contribute to the participation of children with each other.

Does memorizing Quran make you smarter?

Yes, according to what has been recently approved by psychologists, memorizing the Noble Qur’an stimulates the child to think, which makes him smarter, compared to other children. As memorizing is the most effective activity and works to exercise the brain cells of both children and young adults, as for adults. And modern studies have proven that memorizing the Noble Qur’an protects Muslims from the risk of depression.

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