Dua E Qunoot holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims around the globe. When nights fall silent and believers engage in their conversations with the Almighty through prayers, Dua E Qunoot resonates in harmony, cradling the earnest supplications ascending towards the heavens. But what is it about this particular dua that makes it so significant in our prayers, and life in general?, that we will explore in this article on Arabian Tongue website.

what is dua e qunoot

dua e qunoot
what is dua e qunoot

Dua E Qunoot, a profound supplication, emerges as a beacon of spiritual elevation, not just in the context of prayer, but also in navigating through the undulating journeys of life. Herein, let’s delve into the nuanced layers of its importance.

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importance of dua e qunoot

The essence of Dua E Qunoot embeds itself deeply within the realms of spiritual connectivity. It isn’t merely words uttered; it is a heartfelt plea to Allah, seeking guidance, mercy, and support. When whispered in the serenity of the night, it has the potential to weave a bond between the Creator and the believer, fortifying faith, and anchoring trust in divine wisdom.

Practically, this supplication finds its place in our daily and special prayers, serving as a medium through which we express our vulnerabilities, fears, gratitude, and hopes, harboring an environment where our spirits can find solace and strength amidst life’s tempests.

Navigating through the syllables and meanings, we discover a realm where language meets spirituality.

Read more: Dua e Istikhara

Arabic Text

  1. اللَّهُمَّ  اهْدِنِي  فِيمَن  هَدَيْت  وَعَافِنِي  فِيمَن  عَافَيْت
    وَتَوَلَّنِي  فِيمَن  تَوَلَّيْتَ  وَبَارِك  لِي  فِيما  أَعْطَيْت
    وَقِنِي  شَرَّ  مَا  قَضَيْت  إِنَّكَ  تَقْضِي  وَلاَ يُقْضَى عَلَيك
    وَإِنَّه لاَ يَذِل مَن وَالَيْت وَلاَ يَعِز مَنْ عَادَيْت تَبَارَكْت رَبَّنَا وَتَعَالَيت
  2. اَللَّهُم  إنا  نَسْتَعِينُك  وَنَسْتَغْفِرُك  وَنُؤْمِن  بِكَ
    وَنَتَوَكَّل  عَلَيْك وَنُثْنِئ  عَلَيْكَ  الخَيْر كله
    وَنَشْكُرُك  وَلَا  نَكْفُرُك  وَنَخْلَع  وَنَتْرُك  مَن يفْجُرُك
    اَللهُم  إِيَّاك  نَعْبُد  وَلَكَ نُصَلِّئ  وَنَسْجُد  وَإِلَيْكَ  نَسْعى  وَنَحْفِد
    نَرْجُو  رَحْمَتَك  وَنَخْشى  عَذَابَك  إِن عَذَابَك  بِالكُفَّار  مُلْحَق

The Arabic text of Dua E Qunoot is a beautiful assortment of words strung together, each bearing weight in its spiritual and worldly connotations, forming a plea that traverses beyond the worldly confines.

English Translation

  1. “O Allah guide us among those You have guided, pardon us among  those You have pardoned, befriend  us among those You have befriended, bless us in what You have granted, and  save us from  the  evil that  You  decreed. Indeed  You decree,  and none can  pass decree, and  none can  pass decree upon You, indeed he is not humiliated whom You have befriended, blessed are  You our Lord and Exalted.”
  2. O Allah! We seek your help, and beg your forgiveness, we believe in you, have trust in you, praise you,  and  we  thank  you  and  we are  not  ungrateful  to  you, we forsake and turn away from the those who disobey you. O Allah! We worship you and prostrate for you, we hasten towards your pleasure and serving you, we  hope to deserve your mercy and we fear your torment. Surely, the  disbelievers shall have your torment.

The English translation, while attempting to capture the essence, allows non-Arabic speakers to comprehend and internalize the profundities encased within each word, enabling hearts to flutter in unison with its profound meanings.

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When and How to Recite

dua e qunoot
When and How to Recite

Understanding when and how to recite Dua E Qunoot is pivotal in embedding its essence within our prayers and lives:

In Witr Prayer

Witr prayer is the peculiar moment when Dua E Qunoot is often recited, nestled between the silent walls of the night, where souls converse freely with their Creator.

Other Occasions

Yet, its presence is not confined to Witr alone; it seamlessly intertwines with other occasions, providing a comforting embrace of words during times of distress and joy alike.

Benefits of Reciting

Tracing back to the annals of history, Dua e Qunoot has been a beacon of light for believers, illuminating paths during times of darkness and despair. This Dua is intrinsically woven into the tapestry of Muslim prayers, providing solace and a conduit to express appeals and invocations to Allah.

Read more: Saying Ameen After Dua

  • Spiritual Benefits: The spiritual benefits are manifold, ranging from the purification of the soul to the strengthening of one’s connection with Allah, as it becomes an anchor during tumultuous times.
  • Psychological Benefits: Psychologically, it provides a sanctuary, a momentary pause from life’s incessant demands, offering a secluded space for reflection, peace, and intrinsic dialogue.

Mistakes to Avoid

Recitation involves not merely the tongue but the heart and soul, ensuring that the plea is not just voiced but also felt, understood, and lived. Mistakes often arise when the depth is lost, when words are merely recited, not experienced. Ensure sincerity, understanding, and humility envelop you as you utter each word.

Learn Now: Arabic grammar course online for beginners


What is the significance of Dua E Qunoot in the daily lives of Muslims?

Dua E Qunoot signifies a spiritual anchor, providing Muslims a means to communicate, seek guidance, and find solace through conversing with Allah.

Is Dua E Qunoot compulsory in Witr prayers?

While widely practiced, its compulsory nature may vary according to different schools of thought within Islam.

Can Dua E Qunoot be recited in prayers other than Witr?

Yes, it can be recited in other prayers and occasions, acting as a beautiful and profound means to call upon Allah in various circumstances.

How does Dua E Qunoot assist believers psychologically?

It provides a moment of pause, reflection, and intimate communication with the Creator, offering psychological peace and stability.

In what language is Dua E Qunoot originally written, and can it be recited in other languages?

Originally in Arabic, and while Arabic recitation is common, understanding its meaning in one’s native language is also crucial to internalize its essence.


Dua E Qunoot is more than a set of words; it’s a spiritual journey, an intimate conversation, and a tranquil refuge. It encompasses emotions, vulnerabilities, and a sea of unspoken words, meant to traverse from our beings towards the divine. May our hearts always find words when our souls are speechless, and may our spirits find solace in this profound communication.

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