Last Updated on March 5, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team
Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it is an essential part of a Muslim’s daily routine. Among the five daily prayers, Fajr prayer is considered the most crucial one. It is the first prayer of the day, offered before sunrise. Muslims around the world prioritize Fajr prayer and make sure to wake up early in the morning to perform it. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Fajr prayer
What is Fajr Prayer?
The Fajr prayer is the first prayer of the day that Muslims offer before sunrise. It consists of two Rak’ahs (units) of prayer, and it is mandatory for every Muslim who has reached the age of puberty. Fajr prayer time starts when the first light of dawn appears in the sky and ends when the sun starts to rise.
Significance of Fajr Prayer
Fajr prayer has great significance in Islam. It is mentioned in several verses of the Quran and hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah Almighty has praised those who offer Fajr prayer in the Quran and promised great rewards for it. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The two Rak’ahs of Fajr prayer are better than the world and everything in it.” (Muslim)
What is The Special Thing About Fajr Prayer?
The time of Fajr prayer is considered a blessed time in Islam. It is the time when Allah Almighty descends to the first heaven and asks, “Who is seeking forgiveness so that I may forgive him? Who is asking for sustenance so that I may grant him sustenance?” (Bukhari) Therefore, offering Fajr prayer is not only a mandatory act of worship but also an excellent opportunity to seek Allah’s forgiveness and blessings.
The procedure of Fajr Prayer consists of two Rak’ahs (units) of prayer, and the procedure is the same as any other prayer. The only difference is the recitation of Surah Al-Fajr (Chapter 89 of the Quran) after reciting Surah Al-Fatihah in the first Rak’ah. In the second Rak’ah, one can recite any other Surah of the Quran after Surah Al-Fatihah. After completing the prayer, Muslims offer supplications and remember Allah Almighty.
Benefits of Performing Fajr Prayer

Fajr prayer has numerous benefits, both spiritual and physical. Here are some of the benefits of performing Fajr prayer regularly:
- Gains Allah’s blessings and forgiveness: Allah Almighty rewards those who offer Fajr prayer regularly with His blessings and forgiveness.
- Develops discipline: Offering Fajr prayer regularly helps develop discipline and self-control.
- Boosts productivity: Starting the day with Fajr prayer helps boost productivity and energy levels
- Brings inner peace: Fajr prayer helps in calming the mind and brings inner peace and tranquility.
- Strengthens faith: Regularly performing Fajr prayer strengthens faith and helps in building a stronger connection with Allah Almighty.
Tips for Offering Fajr Offering Fajr prayer
requires discipline and commitment, especially for those who have a busy schedule or find it challenging to wake up early in the morning. Here are some tips to help you offer Fajr prayer regularly:
- Set your alarm: Set your alarm early enough to wake up and prepare for Fajr prayer.
- Sleep early: Try to sleep early and avoid staying up late at night.
- Recite Adhan and Iqamah: Recite the Adhan and Iqamah before starting the prayer to create a mosque-like environment.
- Have a routine: Establish a daily routine to help you wake up early and offer Fajr prayer regularly.
How to Perform Fajr Prayer?
- Start by performing the ritual ablution or Wudu.
- Face the Qiblah (direction of the Kaaba in Makkah).
- Begin the prayer by saying the opening Takbir (“Allahu Akbar”).
- Recite Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by a portion of the Quran.
- Perform Ruku’ by bowing down with hands on knees and saying “Subhana Rabbiyal Adheem” three times.
- Rise from Ruku’ and stand straight for a moment, then perform Sujud by prostrating with the forehead, nose, hands, knees, and toes touching the ground.
- Rise from Sujud and sit for a moment, then perform the second Sujud.
- Rise from the second Sujud and sit for the Tashahhud, which is a declaration of faith and a supplication to Allah Almighty.
- End the prayer by saying the Salam, turning the head to the right and left and saying “Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah” to conclude the prayer.
It is important to note that these are the mandatory actions of Fajr prayer. To perform the Sunnah actions, one should recite additional supplications, make dua, and perform the recommended actions such as reciting the morning remembrance and seeking forgiveness from Allah Almighty.
The Sunnah Actions of Fajr Prayer
In addition to the mandatory actions, there are some recommended Sunnah actions of Fajr prayer that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to perform. These include:
- Saying the Tasbih of Fatimah: After completing the prayer, one should say the Tasbih of Fatimah, which is a form of remembrance of Allah Almighty.
- Reciting the morning supplications: After the Tasbih of Fatimah, one can recite the morning supplications recommended by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
- Offering voluntary prayers: It is recommended to offer two Rak’ahs of voluntary prayer (Sunan al-Fajr) before the Fajr prayer.
Common Mistakes to Avoid during Fajr Prayer While offering Fajr prayer, Muslims should be careful to avoid some common mistakes, including:
- Delaying the prayer: Fajr prayer should be offered as soon as the time starts, and delaying it unnecessarily is not allowed.
- Shortening the prayer: Fajr prayer should be offered with the full and correct number of Rak’ahs, and shortening it is not allowed.
- Rushing through the prayer: Fajr prayer should be offered with focus and concentration, and rushing through it is not allowed.
- Missing the recitation of Surah Al-Fajr: In the first Rak’ah of Fajr prayer, it is mandatory to recite Surah Al-Fajr after Surah Al-Fatihah.
How to Make a Daily Habit of Performing Fajr Prayer
Making Fajr prayer a daily habit requires commitment and consistency. Here are some tips to help you make it a habit:
- Set a goal: Set a goal to offer Fajr prayer regularly and make a plan to achieve it.
- Be consistent: Offer Fajr prayer at the same time every day and try to be consistent with it.
- Seek support: Seek support from family and friends who can help you in waking up early and offering Fajr prayer.
- Be accountable: Hold yourself accountable and keep track of your progress in offering Fajr prayer regularly.
How to Make Up a Missed Fajr Prayer
If someone misses the Fajr prayer for a valid reason, such as sleep or forgetfulness, they should make it up as soon as possible. Here is how to make up a missed Fajr prayer:
- Offer it as soon as possible: Make up the missed Fajr prayer as soon as possible and before the next prayer time starts.
- Offer it with the same number of Rak’ahs: Offer the missed Fajr prayer with the same number of Rak’ahs as the mandatory prayer.
- Seek forgiveness: Ask for Allah’s forgiveness for missing the prayer and make a firm resolve to offer it regularly in the future.
The Recommended Azkar after Fajr Prayer After offering Fajr prayer, Muslims should remember Allah Almighty and recite some recommended Azkar. Here are some of the recommended Azkar after Fajr prayer:
- Recite the morning supplications: Recite the morning supplications recommended by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
- Say the Tasbih of Fatimah: Recite the Tasbih of Fatimah as a form of remembrance of Allah Almighty.
- Seek forgiveness: Ask for Allah’s forgiveness and seek His blessings and mercy.
Fajr prayer is an important part of the daily routine of Muslims. It is the first of the five daily prayers and offers numerous benefits, both spiritual and physical. Fajr prayer helps in starting the day with the remembrance of Allah Almighty and brings inner peace and tranquility.
In order to perform Fajr prayer correctly, one must follow the mandatory actions and the recommended Sunnah actions. It is also important to avoid common mistakes during the prayer and make it a daily habit.
If you have missed Fajr prayer for any reason, you should make it up as soon as possible and seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. And after offering Fajr prayer, reciting the recommended Azkar helps in further strengthening the connection with Allah Almighty.
If you are interested in learning more about Fajr prayer or any other aspect of Islam, you can sign up for a free trial lesson with us.
Fajr Prayer FAQs
What is the significance of Fajr prayer?
Fajr prayer is the first of the five daily prayers and holds great significance in Islam. It helps in starting the day with the remembrance of Allah Almighty and offers numerous spiritual and physical benefits.
What are the mandatory actions of Fajr prayer?
The mandatory actions of Fajr prayer include standing, reciting Surah Al-Fatihah and a portion of the Quran, performing Ruku' and Sujud, and reciting the Tashahhud and Salam.
How can I make Fajr prayer a daily habit?
To make Fajr prayer a daily habit, you should set a goal, be consistent, seek support, and hold yourself accountable.
What are the recommended Azkar after Fajr prayer?
The recommended Azkar after Fajr prayer include reciting the morning supplications, saying the Tasbih of Fatimah, and seeking forgiveness and blessings from Allah Almighty.