Last Updated on November 12, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team

Charity, or Sadaqah, holds a paramount place in Islam, reflecting the principles of compassion, generosity, and social responsibility. Embedded within the fabric of Islamic teachings are numerous Hadiths that guide believers on the virtues of giving. Let’s delve into the rich reservoir of Hadiths about Sadaqah, understanding not only the rewards promised but also the profound impact on the giver.

Sadaqah in islam

Hadiths About Sadaqah
Sadaqah in islam

In Islam, Sadaqah is not just a financial transaction; it’s a reflection of one’s commitment to the welfare of the community. Hadiths, the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), provide invaluable guidance on how to approach charitable acts.


Generosity is a timeless virtue, and one of its most profound expressions is found in the practice of Sadaqah. Derived from Arabic, Sadaqah translates to voluntary charity or acts of kindness performed with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah:

Connecting with a Higher Purpose

Engaging in acts of Sadaqah allows individuals to connect with a higher purpose. It transcends material pursuits, providing a spiritual anchor in a world often dominated by materialism. The act of giving becomes a pathway to spiritual fulfillment and a deeper connection with one’s faith.

Alleviating Spiritual Burdens

Sadaqah is seen as a means to alleviate spiritual burdens. The act of sharing one’s blessings with others cleanses the soul, creating a sense of inner peace and contentment. It is a tangible way for individuals to express gratitude for the blessings they have received.

Helping Those in Need

One of the primary benefits of Sadaqah is its direct impact on those in need. Whether through financial assistance, providing food, or supporting educational initiatives, acts of charity contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities facing challenges.

Building a Compassionate Community

The collective practice of Sadaqah fosters a compassionate community. It creates a culture of empathy and solidarity, where individuals actively seek opportunities to support each other. This communal spirit becomes a powerful force for positive change.

Attracting Prosperity through Giving

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Sadaqah is not solely about financial sacrifice. It is believed that acts of generosity attract prosperity. The concept revolves around the idea that giving opens the door to abundance, creating a positive cycle of giving and receiving.

Recommend: Learn 40 hadith online

Hadiths Emphasizing Sadaqah

Hadiths About Sadaqah
Hadiths Emphasizing Sadaqah

In Islam, Sadaqah is not just a financial transaction; it’s a reflection of one’s commitment to the welfare of the community. Hadiths, the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), provide invaluable guidance on how to approach charitable acts.

Generosity as a Virtue

Prophet Muhammad often emphasized the importance of giving freely. He encouraged his followers to be generous not only with material possessions but also with their time, compassion, and goodwill.

“Increase your charity and it will cleanse you. Be generous with your submissiveness to Allah, and He will be generous with His forgiveness to you.” – Hadith

Sadaqah and Spiritual Growth

The connection between Sadaqah and spiritual growth is a recurring theme in Hadiths. Charity is seen as a means to purify the soul and draw closer to Allah.

“The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” – Hadith

Diverse Forms of Sadaqah

Hadiths elaborate on the various forms of Sadaqah, extending beyond monetary donations. Acts of kindness, such as helping a neighbor, visiting the sick, or removing obstacles from the road, are all considered forms of charity.

“The smile in the face of your brother is charity.” – Hadith

Read more: Sahih al-Bukhari

How Much to Give?

Hadiths provide guidance on the proportionality of giving, emphasizing that one should contribute according to their means. The spirit of selflessness is encouraged, ensuring that charity is given with a pure heart.

“The upper hand is better than the lower hand. The upper hand is the one that gives, and the lower hand is the one that receives.” – Hadith

Incorporating Charity into Everyday Routines

Hadiths promote the incorporation of charity into daily life, emphasizing that even small acts can have a significant impact. Consistent acts of kindness contribute to a culture of giving.

“Even meeting your brother with a cheerful face is a charity.” – Hadith

Challenges in Practicing Sadaqah

Sadaqah, in its essence, extends beyond monetary donations. It encompasses acts of kindness, generosity, and even a comforting smile. Understanding the various forms of Sadaqah is crucial in practicing charity comprehensively.

Contemporary Issues

Hadiths offer solutions to contemporary challenges in practicing Sadaqah. Whether addressing issues of poverty, inequality, or environmental concerns, Islamic teachings guide believers in overcoming obstacles to giving.

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is like that of a grain that sprouts seven ears, and in every ear, there are a hundred grains.” – Hadith

Impact of Sadaqah on the Community

Hadiths stress the importance of Sadaqah in building a compassionate society. Acts of charity contribute to the welfare of the community, fostering a sense of solidarity among its members.

“He who helps the needy, Allah will help him in this world and the Hereafter.” – Hadith

Read about: Online Hadith Courses 

Difference Between Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariyah

In the realm of Islamic philanthropy, two terms frequently surface: Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariyah. Understanding the nuances between these concepts is essential for practicing Muslims seeking to make a meaningful impact through charitable acts.

Definition of Sadaqah

Sadaqah, a term rooted in Arabic, translates to voluntary acts of kindness or charitable giving. It encompasses a broad spectrum of deeds, from financial contributions to simple gestures of goodwill. Sadaqah serves as a means to purify wealth and elevate the spirit of the giver.

Definition of Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah, on the other hand, goes beyond immediate impact. The term “Jariyah” signifies continuous or ongoing, emphasizing the sustained benefits of charitable actions. This form of charity involves contributions that generate lasting rewards, extending beyond the initial act.

Examples of Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah transcends the conventional understanding of charity. It involves actions that continue to benefit people long after the initial contribution. This sustained impact adds a layer of depth to the act of giving.

  1. Building a Mosque: Constructing a mosque is considered a form of Sadaqah Jariyah. The mosque becomes a hub for communal worship, education, and social activities, perpetuating its positive influence.
  2. Establishing Educational Institutions: Contributions towards educational institutions, such as schools or libraries, are viewed as ongoing charity. Knowledge dissemination creates a lasting legacy of positive change.
  3. Digging a Well: Providing access to clean water, such as through well-digging projects, exemplifies Sadaqah Jariyah. The continuous benefit of accessible water improves health and well-being for generations.

Learn Now: Learn Quran Online


Is Sadaqah limited to monetary donations?

No, Sadaqah encompasses various forms of charitable acts, including non-monetary contributions like acts of kindness and volunteering.

Why does Islam emphasize anonymous charity?

Anonymous charity ensures sincerity and prevents the desire for recognition, aligning with the selfless spirit of Sadaqah.

How can I balance Sadaqah with my financial responsibilities?

Islam encourages a holistic approach, balancing financial responsibilities with regular, even small, acts of charity.

Are there specific Hadiths guiding charity towards certain groups?

Yes, certain Hadiths highlight the importance of directing charity towards specific vulnerable groups like orphans and widows.

How can I contribute to building a culture of Sadaqah in my community?

Education plays a key role. Share the teachings of Hadiths on Sadaqah to inspire and educate your community about the value of generosity.


In a world often marked by challenges, the Hadiths about Sadaqah offer a guiding light. By understanding and implementing these teachings, believers can truly embrace the spirit of generosity, contributing to a more compassionate and connected global community.

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