Last Updated on January 19, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team
Jinn, also known as genies, are supernatural beings that are believed to exist in Islamic mythology. According to the Quran, they were created by Allah before the first humans, and are made from a smokeless flame of fire. Unlike ghosts or spirits of the dead, Jinn are a separate entity, just like other creatures created by Allah such as cats, dogs, and birds.
The Quran states that Jinn were created for the same purpose as humans, which is to worship Allah and follow his messengers. However, just like humans, there are believing and disbelieving Jinn. They have communities, families, and jobs, and seek out sustenance in their own way, due to their unique abilities and makeup.
The prophet Muhammad provided insight into the sustenance of Jinn, stating that believers should not use bones or dung to clean after relieving themselves because Jinn use it as a form of sustenance.
Jinn are often depicted in popular culture as powerful and mysterious creatures that can grant wishes, but in reality, they are not to be worshipped, but rather feared. It is believed that reciting certain verses from the Quran, such as Ayat Al-Kursi, the Al Mu’awwidhatayn (Falaq and Nas), and Surah Ikhlas can provide protection from their negative influences.
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It is important to note that not all Jinn are harmful or malevolent. Some are believed to be friendly and helpful, and can even be summoned and controlled by those who possess the knowledge and skills to do so. However, it is highly discouraged in Islam to attempt to summon or control Jinn as it is considered a form of shirk and is strictly prohibited by the Quran.
Furthermore, it is important to remember that the belief in Jinn is a fundamental aspect of Islamic theology and should be approached with respect and reverence. Those who do not believe in the existence of Jinn should still respect the beliefs of those who do. The Quran and Hadith provide enough evidence for the existence of jinn, and it is up to an individual’s faith to believe or not. It is also important to remember that it is not necessary to seek out knowledge about Jinn for personal protection or as a form of entertainment, but rather for the purpose of understanding and respecting the beliefs of the Islamic faith.
In conclusion, Jinn are a fascinating and mysterious aspect of Islamic mythology that has captured the imagination of people for centuries.
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