Last Updated on June 21, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team
Tajweed is defined as a language with the meaning of improvement and mastery, while in the terminology it is known as the science of Tajweed.
It means improving the pronunciation of the letter and its correct pronunciation, and from here we realize the importance and benefit of Tajweed, dear Muslim.
Also, the basic principle in learning Tajweed is that it should be at the hands of a proficient Sheikh, so some students wishing to learn intonation may face some obstacles in this matter.
So, in Arabian Tongue, we have provided you with learning to read Quran with tajweed, but let us first discuss the importance of the Tajweed and its benefits, dear Muslim, through the following paragraphs.
First, Tell me what the meaning of Tajweed is?
Tajweed: It is the science that studies the ways of pronouncing the letters, taking care of their exits, their qualities, the rulings that are presented to them, and what is related to that in terms of endowment, beginning, connection and definitiveness.
Tajweed: It is giving each letter its right and its right, exit, description, and beginning without pretension or arbitrariness.
The Messenger – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, praised the skilled in the Qur’an and described those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to the best of people.
Hence, we feel the importance of the tajweed for a Muslim, and we believe in this role in Arabian Tongue, so we offer to learn Quran with tajweed online course, and to know more details, contact us now.
Recommended reading: Free online lesson for learning Quran offered by us!
What is the importance of Tajweed?
There are many things for which a Muslim learns quran reading basics online with Tajweed, including the following:
- Tajweed helps to protect the tongue from errors in the words of the Noble Qur’an when reading, and it also helps to contemplate the meanings of the Qur’an.
- Tajweed preserves the distortion of the tongue and trains it in the correct Arabic language, so we provide you with learning all these skills in Arabian Tongue.
- It leads the reader to the level of recitation, mastery of recitation, and good performance.
- Given the importance of tajweed, Arabian Tongue provides you, dear Muslim, with the ability to learn to read Quran with tajweed online, so you can now contact us to know more details.

What are the rules of Tajweed?
After we learned the importance of learning to read the Quran with tajweed online, then what are the sections of Tajweed Science that the student should know:
- The melody in intonation and its divisions: It includes the definition of the melody, and its divisions; The hidden melody and the clear melody, and the rule of each.
- Rulings on seeking refuge with Allah and basmalah: they include; The formula for seeking refuge with Allah, it’s ruling and its conditions, the form of the Basmalah, it’s ruling, and its conditions.
- The provisions of the nun saakinah and tanween: It includes the definition of the nun saakinah and tanween and the difference between them, and a detailed definition of their provisions.
- Provisions of the sakin meme: It includes the definition of it and its provisions.
- The provisions of extension in intonation and its types: It includes the meaning of extension and shortening, the definition of extension, letters, ranks, titles, and the combination of extension and its divisions.
- Mukharij al-Harf: It includes the definition of the literal expression and the letter, the definition of the nicknames of the letters, and their exits: the hollow, the throat, the tongue, the lips, and the gills.
- Characteristics of letters: the definition of the characteristics of letters with opposites is branched from it. Whisper and loudness, intensity, mediation and looseness, arrogance and indifference, occlusion and openness, humility and silences.
- The provisions of endowment and initiation: It includes the definition of endowment and its divisions: perfect, sufficient, good, and bad, and the definition of initiation and its types.
Recommended reading: Steps to Understand Quran Better
benefits of learning to read the Quran with Tajweed
learning to read Quran with tajweed has many virtues that a Muslim ascends to after learning Tajweed, including the following:
- Worshiping Allah, obeying His command, and following the Sunnah of His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in how to read.
- A Muslim becomes able to read the Noble Qur’an, as Allah Almighty has commanded.
- Contemplating the verses of the Noble Qur’an, knowing and understanding their intended meaning, by reading in the correct manner, adhering to the exact exactness, and the correct pronunciation.
- Show the Quranic miracle.
- Explaining the difference between reading the Noble Qur’an and reading ordinary books.
- Memorizing the verses of the Noble Qur’an from adding to, decreasing, or changing, keeps the Muslim away from falling into an error that causes him to commit sin or disobedience.
- The Muslim was able to extract the legal rulings and understand them in the correct way.
- Beautify and decorate reading.
- Slowing down the reading, which gives an opportunity for the following things:
- The legally commanded management.
- understanding and contemplation.
- reverence.
- correct pronunciation.
- Tajweed teaches us pronunciation and speech in a classy, polite, calm, wonderful manner.
Among the great virtues of Tajweed is the high status of the reciter with Allah Almighty and the great reward. It came in Sahih al-Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
“الْمَاهِرُ بِالْقُرْآنِ مَعَ السَّفَرَةِ الْكِرَامِ الْبَرَرَةِ”.
Examples of how to read the Quran with Tajweed.
There are many examples of the provisions of Tajweed in the Holy Qur’an, including the following:
- Ezhar: in “أنهار” word, which contained in Allah saying:
(فِيها أَنْهارٌ مِنْ ماءٍ غَيْرِ آسِنٍ).
- Idgham: in “هدىً للمُتقين”, which contained in Allah saying:
(ذلِكَ الْكِتابُ لا رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدىً لِلْمُتَّقِينَ).
- Iqlab: in “أنبئهم”, which contained in Allah saying:
(قالَ يا آدَمُ أَنْبِئْهُمْ بِأَسْمائِهِمْ)
- Ikhfaa: in “الأنصار”, which contained in Allah saying:
(وَالسَّابِقُونَ الْأَوَّلُونَ مِنَ الْمُهاجِرِينَ وَالْأَنْصارِ)
To summarize, learning to read Quran with tajweed online, has many benefits that accrue to the Muslim, in addition to the fact that the Messenger, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, recommended learning Tajweed, and Tajweed also helps to save the tongue from error in reading the Noble Qur’an, so we offer you in Arabian Tongue courses dedicated to learning to read Quran with tajweed online.
Can you learn Tajweed by yourself?
The basic principle is to learn the Qur’an through tajweed at the hands of a skilled sheikh, If this becomes difficult, we resort to the nearest alternative, which is listening to tajweed episodes and its lessons, and its applications, visual and audio, or communicating with Arabian Tongue and enrolling in the learn to read Quran with tajweed online.
How long does it take to learn Quran with Tajweed?
It is expected that the student will take a period of time ranging between 6:9 months, or may reach a maximum of one year so that the student will be proficient in the rules of reading in Tajweed during this period.
Is it compulsory to recite Quran with Tajweed?
Learning the rules of recitation and Tajweed that protect the tongue from the melody, which spoils the meaning is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman. As for learning the ameliorated rulings that relate to the characteristics of the letters, their exits, and their rulings that ignorance of which does not lead to corruption of the meaning, then learning is recommended and desirable, not obligatory.