I want to learn to read the Quran online. This phrase is often repeated, as many people want to learn and master the Holy Qur’an, but circumstances may not allow them to do so, as everyone is busy with a lot of work and his time is filled with many tasks. so they are looking for learning the Qur’an via the Internet so that they do not miss the opportunity to learn the Holy Qur’an, which It is considered the most critical and greatest task for a Muslim.

Through the lessons of learning the Quran online, they can combine learning the Qur’an and not neglecting it, and also carrying out their other tasks.

Our Structured plans for teaching reading Al’Quran

Arabian Tongue seeks To provide and facilitate the teaching of the Arabic language and the Noble Qur’an to non-Arabic speakers everywhere, and it seeks to develop educational programs and courses suitable for all ages and levels. Our Structured plans for teaching reading Al Quran adopt courses for teaching and memorizing the Noble Qur’an from the age of five years onwards, provided that the rules of the Arabic language are learned perfectly, as well as memorizing the Qur’an with tajweed and provisions.

Our Structured plans for teaching reading Al-Quran include many levels, but you’re not obligated to study all of these levels, you can just learn Which is suited for your Capabilities and which you can understand well.

  • Learn the basics of the Arabic language and the rules of Arabic grammar

This can be called the Foundation stage in which students study what is called Al-Qaeda for learning the Arabic language.

Quran Classes Online: Learn to Read the Quran
Quran Classes Online: Learn to Read the Quran
  • Learning theoretical Tajwid

Tajweed rules are taught theoretically, the student learns the right reading of words of the Noble Qur’an, to be able to pronounce each letter as it should be corrected without error.

  • Practical tajwid and correction of recitation

the student start reading the Noble Qur’an, to be corrected by his teacher.

  • Memorizing the Holy Quran

the student will begin to memorize the verses of the Noble Qur’an.

  • Obtaining Al’iijaza

It is a higher level of learning the Holy Qur’an as Al’iijaza is a certificate that tells that the student has recited the entire Qur’an by heart, according to tajweed rules of the authorized narration has become qualified to teach the Quran to others.

  • Learning Alqira’at

It is also a higher level of learning the noble Qur’an. The student will study the 10 readings of the holy Qur’an and their narrators and their Isnads.

Our courses

Arabian tongue offers many courses related to learning Arabic and the Noble Qur’an including:

Our Tutors

I want to learn quran reading basics online course but I can’t find a reliable source to learn Arabic and the Noble Qur’an perfectly on the internet. We often hear this phrase from non-Arabic speakers who are looking for a reliable source to learn Arabic and the Noble Qur’an online. 

Well, there is no need to worry, and here we are helping you with that since all the Tutors in the Arabian tongue are of Egyptian origins speak Arabic fluently, as it is their mother tongue. In addition, they learned Arabic and the Holy Qur’an in Al-Azhar Al-Sharif

Quran phone
Quran phone

Courses features

A great deal of diversity characterizes our courses and great flexibility to suit all levels and ages, as the student is evaluated to determine his level and then agree on an educational program appropriate to his level and time, according to his desires and needs.


Our courses include education for men, women and children, and who says i want to learn to Quran Reading online course For Kids and adults and my family also. he can do this easily with Arabian tongue as it allows you to learn the Noble Qur’an for you, your children and your family in a way that suits each of you individually.

Certificates after completing the course

Whoever says I want to learn to read the Quran online does not strive

Certainly to obtain a certain certificate, but his main goal is to develop himself and get closer to God, and to obtain the great reward for learning the Noble Qur’an.

However, the Arabian tongue gives certificates acknowledging that you have completed a level in the Noble Qur’an to motivate and honor the students.


After talking in the previous lines about this topic (i want to learn to read the Quran online), and explained a lot of information about learning the Quran online, and the courses offered by the Arabian tongue.

We invite you to try the free trial offered by Arabian Tongue, to discover what this institution can offer you and what you will benefit from learning with them. Start now to discover all of that for free through the free trial.


How can I teach myself to read Quran?

Now you can learn the Qur’an online on your own without having to go out of the house and look for schools to teach the Holy Qur’an. All you have to do is register in one of the virtual schools to teach the Quran online and follow the lessons while you are at home.

Can I learn to read Quran online?

Yes, of course, you can learn to read the Qur’an online, as there are many websites that allow learning the Arabic language and the Qur’an through educational lessons through the various means of communication provided by the Internet. and many have already succeeded in learning and mastering the Holy Quran Online.

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