Envy is a natural human emotion, but it can sometimes be challenging to spot. When someone is envious of you, they may not openly express it, making it crucial to understand the subtle signs and cues that indicate their feelings. In this article on Arabian Tongue website, we will explore 15 signs someone is envious of you.

Understanding Envy

signs someone is envious of you
Understanding Envy

Before we delve into the signs, it’s essential to grasp what envy truly means. Envy is an emotion that arises when someone desires something that someone else possesses and feels discontented because of it. It’s often associated with feelings of resentment and inadequacy.

14 signs someone is envious of you

Envy and jealousy are two terms that express a person’s hatred and jealousy to another, and until you know who is jealous of you we will explain some signs that may help you in that:

1. Excessive Compliments

One subtle sign of envy is when someone gives you excessive compliments. While compliments are generally a positive thing, when they seem insincere or overly frequent, it could indicate jealousy. Envious individuals may attempt to mask their true feelings by showering you with compliments.

2. Copying Your Actions

Imitation can be flattering, but when someone starts copying your actions, style, or choices consistently, it may be a sign of envy.This is one of the signs of envious friends who do not wish you well and try to imitate your actions

3. Frequent Negative Comments

Envious people often make negative comments about you or your accomplishments. These comments might be veiled as jokes or sarcasm, but they are usually intended to undermine your confidence.

4. Competitiveness

A competitive nature isn’t always a bad thing, but when someone becomes overly competitive with you, it could be a sign of envy. They may feel threatened by your success and try to outdo you in every way.

5. Lack of Genuine Happiness for Your Success

When you achieve something significant, genuine friends and acquaintances are genuinely happy for you. However, envious individuals might struggle to express happiness for your accomplishments.

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6. Exaggerating Their Achievements

Envious people often exaggerate their achievements or try to one-up you in conversations. They do this to draw attention away from your successes and redirect it towards themselves.

7. Sabotage

signs someone is envious of you

In some cases, envy can lead individuals to sabotage your efforts or plans. They may intentionally create obstacles or spread rumors to hinder your progress.

8. Inconsistent Behavior

Envious people may display inconsistent behavior. They might be friendly one moment and distant the next, depending on their emotions and how threatened they feel by your success.

9. Ignoring Your Achievements

When someone is envious of you, they may intentionally ignore or downplay your achievements. They do this to diminish your accomplishments in the eyes of others.

10. Backhanded Compliments

Backhanded compliments are disguised insults. Envious individuals may use these to criticize you while appearing to be complimentary.

11. Avoiding Eye Contact

Avoiding eye contact can be a subtle sign of envy. When someone is envious, they may find it challenging to maintain eye contact with you because it makes their true feelings more apparent.

12. Spreading Rumors

Envious individuals may resort to spreading rumors or gossip about you to tarnish your reputation.

13. Excessive Criticism

Envy often manifests as excessive criticism. These individuals may nitpick your actions or decisions, even when it’s unwarranted.

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14. Jealousy Escalates to Hate

In extreme cases, envy can escalate to hatred. Envious individuals may not only resent your success but actively seek ways to harm you.

Signs of Envy Mentioned in the Qur’an

signs someone is envious of you
Signs of Envy Mentioned in the Qur’an

The Qur’an, the sacred text of Islam, provides valuable insights into the signs and consequences of envy:

Cain and Abel – The First Envy

One of the earliest stories in the Qur’an that illustrates envy is the tale of Cain and Abel. Cain’s envy of his brother Abel’s acceptance of his sacrifice led to the first murder in human history. This tragic event underscores the destructive power of envy and the lengths to which it can drive a person.

The Story of Prophet Joseph

The story of Prophet Joseph is another compelling example of envy in the Qur’an. Joseph’s brothers became envious of his favored status, leading them to plot against him. They threw him into a well and deceived their father. Ultimately, envy led to a family’s separation and suffering.

Read about: difference between envious and jealousy

The Enviers of Prophet Muhammad

Even the Prophet Muhammad faced envy from some of his contemporaries. They were envious of his wisdom, character, and leadership. The Qur’an acknowledges this envy and reminds believers of the importance of supporting righteous individuals.

Envy as a Barrier to Repentance

Envy can also act as a barrier to repentance and forgiveness. In the Qur’an, there are warnings against harboring envy in one’s heart, as it can prevent spiritual growth and reconciliation with God.

Consequences of Envy

The Qur’an teaches that envy not only harms the envied but also has negative consequences for the envier. It breeds discontent, destroys inner peace, and distances one from God’s blessings. The envious person becomes consumed by negative emotions and is unable to appreciate their own blessings.

Overcoming Envy

Overcoming envy is a spiritual journey that requires self-reflection and self-improvement. The Qur’an advises believers to focus on gratitude, contentment, and self-awareness to combat envy. By recognizing and addressing the roots of envy, individuals can strive for a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

Seeking Protection from Envy

In Islamic tradition, seeking protection from envy is essential. Believers are encouraged to recite specific prayers and supplications to shield themselves from the harmful effects of envy. These practices promote spiritual well-being and protect individuals from the negative energies of envy.

Learn Now: Quran Ijazah Course for Kids


How can I address envy in someone I care about?

Addressing envy requires open communication. Talk to the person and express your feelings, encouraging an honest dialogue.

Is envy always harmful to a relationship?

Envy doesn't have to be destructive. It can serve as an opportunity for growth and self-awareness if handled constructively.

Can envy be a motivating factor?

Envy can motivate individuals to achieve their goals, but it's essential to channel it positively rather than destructively.

What should I do if someone is sabotaging my success out of envy?

If you suspect sabotage, gather evidence and consider discussing the issue with relevant parties, such as a supervisor or authority figure.

How can I prevent envy from affecting my self-esteem?

Building a strong sense of self-worth and surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can help protect your self-esteem from the effects of envy.


Recognizing the signs of envy is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting your well-being. While envy is a common emotion, addressing it appropriately can help diffuse negative feelings and foster positive interactions.

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