Last Updated on March 3, 2023 by Arabian Tongue Team
In the month of Ramadan, the regime of the Muslim slave and his daily habits change. One of the most important of these changes is; The timing of meals has changed, so there are two meals, namely Iftar and Sohoor. And there are many hadiths of the Prophet that explain the importance of the suhoor meal, and the evidence for this is the saying of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace -: (Have suhoor, for there is a blessing in Sahari). So below we will get to know what is suhur.
What is Suhur?
Sohoor linguistically: singular Sihr, and Sahari idiomatically: it is what a person eats food and drinks at the end of the night, and it is specific to those who want to fast, especially in the blessed month of Ramadan
What are the benefits of Suhur?
Sohoor has many benefits, including:
- Following and complying with the orders of the Prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – when he said, “Have suhoor,” and he, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to eat Sohoor.
- Gaining acts of worship, because when waking up for the pre-dawn meal, a Muslim may purify himself, pray the night prayer, and wait for dawn as well. Evoke the intention of fasting at night.
- Helping the faithful servant to obey Allah Almighty in his day.
- Provide the body with energy and vitality during fasting hours.
- Reducing the feeling of headache during the fasting period.
- Reducing the feeling of hunger and thirst.
- Revitalizing the digestive system.
- Preserving nutrients inside the body, the most important of which is sugar.
recommended reading: Ramadan Fasting Rules: Understanding the Traditions
Is it considered Sunnah to eat suhur?
Sahari is recommended for the fasting person, whether it is an obligatory fast or a voluntary fast. For the hadith of Anas bin Malik, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (Eat Sohoor, for there is a blessing in Sahari)
What is the time for Suhur?
Allah Almighty said: (وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا حَتَّى يَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمُ الْخَيْطُ الْأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الْخَيْطِ الْأَسْوَدِ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ).
The time for Sohoor begins at midnight and ends with the appearance of the true dawn. Imam al-Nawawi – may Allah have mercy on him – said: “The time for Sahari is between midnight and the rising of dawn,” and the later the better.
It was reported that the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – used to delay it so that the time between his emptying of it and dawn was as long as the reciter recited fifty verses.
Interesting reading: 8 Interesting Facts About Ramadan You May Not Have Known
Foods that can be eaten for suhur
After we got to know what it suhur? We move on to the best Sohoor Choosing healthy options for Sahari meals, and focusing on fluid intake, helps to cope better with fasting. And provides the body with the necessary energy throughout the fasting period. Here are some of the most important tips for getting the best Sohoor meal:
- Drinking fluids: It is important to keep drinking fluids to avoid dehydration
- Avoid salty foods: It is preferable not to eat salty foods in abundance, as they cause thirst.
- Eat complex carbohydrates within the meal: Complex carbohydrates release energy more slowly during fasting
- Eat dietary fiber: Among the foods rich in fiber that are digested slowly: are fresh and unpeeled fruits, and vegetables.
- Eat foods that contain proteins: dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and labneh, in addition to unsalted cheese
- Avoid caffeine: Caffeine can cause frequent urination in some people, which may lead to dehydration.
Suhur is an opportunity to increase one’s Taqwa (Piety)
The first blessing of this act of worship is that the Muslim performs it following the Sunnah and following the example of the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, who was persevering in it, and this is what the hadiths indicate:
1. Anas reported Allah’s messenger as saying, “Take a meal a little before dawn, for there is a blessing in taking a meal at that time.” (Bukhari and Muslim.).
2. It was narrated that Abu ‘Atiyyah said: “I said to ‘Aishah: ‘Among us, there are two of the Companions of the Prophet, one of whom hastens Iftar and delays Sahur, and the other delays Iftar and hastens Sahur.’ She said: ‘Which of them is the one who hastens Ifar and delays Sahur?’ I said: “Abdullah bin Masud.’ She said: ‘That is what the Messenger of Allah used to do.”
Read also: Laylatul Qadr: The Night of Power in Islam
In conclusion, we discussed what is suhur? in detail, as well as how Sohoor is achieved in addition to the benefits of Sahari in Islam.
What is suhoor made of?
Sohoor is achieved with much food and little. Even with a sip of water, on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri - may Allah be pleased with him: “Sohoor is a blessing, so do not miss it, even if one of you swallows a sip of water, for Allah and His angels pray for those who eat Sohoor.
What is the perfect time for Sohoor?
It is Sunnah for those who want to fast delay their Sohoor. On the authority of Sahl bin Saad - may Allah be pleased with him - he said: (I used to eat a pre-dawn meal with my family, then my speed would be to catch up with the Messenger of Allah - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him -), and they were rushing to eat for fear of eating. Dawn. It may be confusing for some to say, Imam Al-Bukhari - may God have mercy on him - in his Sahih: “Chapter to hasten the pre-dawn meal.” They think that the Sunnah is to hasten the pre-dawn meal, not to delay it. Strength to fast during the day