Arabian Tongue Institute Blog (Miracles of Prophet Muhammad)

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Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

Islam defines a miracle as an extraordinary act or event that is contrary to the laws of nature and can only come about through the direct intervention of Allah. The Arabic word for miracle is mu’jizah. It stems from the word ajz, meaning something that incapacitates, cannot be resisted, unique. According to Islam, miracles are performed by the permission of Allah, by the Prophets. Miracles are not magic, which is by definition a trick or illusion.

In order to make each Prophet credible in his particular time and place, God granted them miracles, pertinent, relevant and understandable to the people to whom they were sent.

Prophet Muhammad was no exception, he performed miracles that cannot be possible for any other human being to perform without the help of Allah. He was given many miracles throughout his life. 

1 - Splitting the moon

When the unbelievers challenged the Prophet to perform a miracle. He pointed towards the moon and by the will of Allah, it split into two.

“‘That the Meccan people requested Allah’s Messenger ﷺ to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon.’” Sahih al-Bukhari

After some time of staying in that state, it eventually converged back to its original state. Although the disbelievers saw this event take place right in front of them as clear as crystal they still disbelieved calling the Prophet a magician


2- Isra and Mairaj

Isra refers to the night journey prophet Muhammad undertook with the Angel Gabriel, traveling from Mecca to Jerusalem shortly before his migration to Medina. This was a miraculous event because it was humanly impossible to travel this distance in such a short period at the time. From Jerusalem, Prophet Muhammad ascended to the heavens in what is called Mairaj where he held communion with Allah. By the time prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca, it was still night.

3- The tree that cried

The Prophet would rest against a dried trunk and would deliver his sermons from there. When the Prophet’s companions finally built him a pulpit to give the Friday sermon from, he heard a sound that resembled the crying of a baby camel. He went down from the pulpit and made his way to the tree to embrace it.

“The Prophet used to stand by a stem of a date-palm tree (while delivering a sermon). When the pulpit was placed for him we heard that stem crying like a pregnant she-camel till the Prophet got down from the pulpit and placed his hand over it.” Sahih al-Bukhari


4- Water flowed from his blessed hands

 Once the Prophet was with his companions, about 300 of them in a place called Zawra. It was time to observe the afternoon prayer but the people could not find any water to make wudu. They Prophet ordered them to look for little water, when they did, he dipped him hands into it and water was flowing from his hands like a fountain. All three hundred people who were there made wudu and used it for other needs. 


5- Food galore

 The Messenger of Allah fed more than a hundred people from very small food. Whenever he placed his blessed hands on any food, he caused it to increase and everyone could eat to their fill and still have left over. In one narration, he fed more than a hundred men from one cup of milk. Each person would drink to his fill and pass to the next without refilling. And each of the men drank to their satisfaction, and the cup was still filed with milk as though it was never touched. 


6- Healing the sick

Prophet Muhammad was able to cure the sick and ill. Once Ali (RA) had an eye infection, the Prophet put his saliva on his eyes and said an invocation and he was completely healed.

7- The Holy Quran 

The Quran itself is a miracle. Prophet Muhammad said, “Every Prophet was given miracles on account of which their people believed; but, I have been given divine revelation which Allah has revealed to me, so I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of other Prophets on Resurrection Day.”[5] Prophet Muhammad was implying that the Quran itself is the greatest miracle of all time; it is a miraculous book filled with miracles of all kinds. Its revelation, literary excellence, and its content, including scientific, prophetic and historical information, all contribute to Quran’s status as a miracle. 


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