Omar Ibn Al-Khattab is a great companion and one of the greatest personalities in history. He is the second of the Rightly Guided Caliphs after Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him. The Islamic State flourished during his reign and reached perfection that it had not reached in any era of the ages, and he was able to establish the greatest empire in history. 

One of the most important things that distinguished Omar Ibn Al-Khattab – may God be pleased with him – was his boldness in the truth and his zeal for Islam, in addition to wisdom and good opinion. so that the Holy Qur’an came in agreement with his opinion in many situations. including his saying to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: (If we had taken the standing place of Abraham as a place of prayer). then the words of God Almighty were revealed: (And when We made the House a place of residence for the people and a place of security. And take from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer). Surah Al-Baqarah 125. let’s talk about Umar Ibn al-Khattab.

Who Was Umar Ibn al-Khattab?

Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Ibn Nufail Al-Qurashi Al-Adawi – may God be pleased with him – was nicknamed Abu Hafs, and his mother is Hantama bint Hashim bin Al-Mughirah Al-Makhzoumiyyah. 

Umar was born in Mecca in 586 CE to the Banu Adi clan of the Quraysh tribe.

Umar’s Early Life

He was born thirteen years after the year of the Elephant. Omar bin Al-Khattab grew up in a sovereign house, including his father, Al-Khattab bin Nufail, and his mother, Hantama. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was of honor and sovereignty among the Quraish in the pre-Islamic era, so he was their ambassador if a dispute occurred between them or between them and others.

His Opposition to Islam

Omar – may God be pleased with him – lived in Makkah like the rest of the Quraysh boys who professed paganism and drank alcohol as they did. when the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – came with the call to monotheism, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was one of those who resisted it. he used to torture and persecute those who converted to Islam from Bani Uday, even the closest people to him got a share of this persecution. including his sister Fatima bint Al-Khattab, and her husband Saeed bin Zaid, may God be pleased with them. it was narrated that he was torturing a slave girl of Bani Al-Mu’ammal, while they were alive from Bani Uday, where he would beat her until he felt bored, then he would say to her: (I am I apologize to you, I only left you out of boredom). she remained in this state until Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq – may God be pleased with him – bought her and set her free.

His Conversion to Islam

Umar Ibn al-Khattab
Umar Ibn al-Khattab

Ibn Ishaq reported that Umar ibn al-Khattab’s conversion to Islam was in the fifth year of the Prophet’s mission. he converted to Islam in the sixth year of the mission. there were many accounts that reported the incident of his conversion to Islam. the most famous of these accounts state that he was out one day with his sword wrapped around him, heading to Muhammad – may God bless him and grant him peace – to kill him. then a man from Bani Zahra met him and asked him about his matter, so he told him that he wanted to kill Muhammad. so that man told him that his sister and her husband had entered the religion of Muhammad.

So Omar went to the house of his sister and her husband, and they had a man called Al-Khabab, so when he felt that Omar was coming, he told them and hid in the house. They were reciting Surat Taha, and Umar heard the sound of the recitation, so he asked them about their matter. So they told him that they had entered the true religion, so Omar pounced on his sister’s husband, so his sister pushed him away from him. so he hit her in the face with a blow that affected her.

Omar felt their steadfastness and persistence, so he asked them for the book that they read from it. His sister refused and told him that this is a book that can only be touched by the purified. And she said to him: Get up and take a bath, so Omar did, and she gave him the book, and he read until he reached what God Almighty said: (Indeed, I am God, there is no god but Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance).  then Omar said: Guide me to Muhammad, and when al-Khabab heard that, he showed himself and said to him: Preach good tidings, Omar. And he said to him: “I hope that the call of the Messenger of God will be: Oh God, cherish Islam with Umar bin Al-Khattab or Amr bin Hisham, he said it in you.” So he took him to the Messenger of God and declared his conversion to Islam.

The Role of Umar during the Prophet Muhammad’s Life

After his conversion to Islam, Umar became one of the closest companions of the Prophet. He was known for his fierce loyalty to the Prophet and his unwavering commitment to the cause of Islam. Umar’s presence and support were crucial in the early years of the Muslim community, and his contributions to the establishment of the Islamic state cannot be overstated.

Umar’s role during the Prophet’s life was multifaceted. He was a staunch defender of Islam and played a vital role in spreading the faith to others. Umar was also a trusted advisor to the Prophet and was often consulted on important matters of state. He was known for his wisdom and his ability to provide practical solutions to complex problems.

The Role of Umar in The Military Campaigns “Ghazawat”

According to Ibn al-Jawzi, it was proven that Omar witnessed all the sites and invasions that the Prophet Muhammad witnessed. In the Battle of Badr, Omar was the second to speak in response to the Messenger Muhammad when he consulted them before the Battle of Badr after Abu Bakr. so he spoke well and called for fighting the polytheists.

Umar’s Appointment As a Caliph

Umar Ibn al-Khattab
Umar Ibn al-Khattab

After the death of Abu Bakr, Umar was elected as the second caliph of Islam. During his tenure, he expanded the Muslim empire and made significant contributions to the growth and development of the Islamic state. He established a strong and efficient administrative system and implemented several reforms to ensure justice and equality for all.

Umar was also known for his strict adherence to the principles of Islam. He enforced strict penalties for crimes such as theft and adultery and ensured that the rights of minorities and non-Muslims were protected. He was also a great patron of learning and established several schools and institutions for the dissemination of knowledge.

Umar’s Reign as Caliph

During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, Muslims lived a great conquest and a great victory. Muslims in that era destroyed the Roman and Persian empires, and the conquests expanded at the hands of his armies according to the principles of justice and mercy. among the most important of these conquests were the conquests of the Levant; such as the conquest of Damascus, Jordan, the battle of conquest, and the conquest of Iraq; Such as the Battle of Al-Jisr, the Battle of Al-Buwaib, the Battle of Al-Qadisiyah, the Conquest of Al-Madain, and other conquests.

Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was very interested in the parish so he would go out at night to check on their conditions, and what was mentioned about his interest in the parish was that he went out at night. he found a woman who had come into labor, and she had no one to help her, so he set off bringing his wife, Umm Kulthum, the daughter of Ali bin Abi Talib, and carrying food on his back. So they did what was necessary to help, without the people of the house knowing that he was the Commander of the Faithful until they finished. It was also reported that he found a woman cooking at night for her children while they were crying. so he learned from her that she boils water to delude the children that it is food until they sleep. so he went running crying, and returned carrying flour and meat, and cooked, and fed the children, and did not leave them until they fell asleep.

It was mentioned that one rainy night he was walking around the city. when he heard a woman asking her daughter to mix water with milk, so her daughter refused, reminding him that the Commander of the Faithful had forbidden people to do that. so the mother replied that Omar would not see that act. so the girl insisted on not doing that, and she says: “If the Commander of the Faithful does not see us. then the Commander of the Faithful may see us.” Farooq rejoiced at what he heard and even added that his son, Asim, married that girl. as well as from his great interest in the parish that he was based on serving and caring for a blind and crippled old woman.

One of Umar’s greatest achievements was the expansion of the Muslim empire. During his reign, the Muslim army conquered several territories, including Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. Umar also established a system of taxation, which helped to fund the expansion of the empire and the development of the Islamic state.

Umar was also known for his strict moral code and personal integrity. He lived a simple and austere life and set an example for others to follow. He was also a great patron of the arts and sciences and encouraged the development of literature, poetry, and architecture.

Death of Umar

It was reported that Al-Faruq Omar Ibn Al-Khattab – may God be pleased with him – was stabbed by Abu Lulu’ah on Wednesday three days before the end of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. he was martyred – may God have mercy on him – three days later. So he – may God be pleased with him – took the hand of Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, and presented him to prayer, and after he learned that the one who stabbed him was Abu Lulu’ah, he thanked God – the Almighty – that he was not killed by a Muslim. He also sent his son Abdullah to the mother of the believers, Aisha – may God be pleased with her – asking permission from her to be buried next to the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, and she gave him permission to do so.

Legacy of Umar

The Commander of the Faithful, Umar ibn al-Khattab, was vexed; By the money of Muslims from the beginning and what was exaggerated in it. rather he considered Muslims as orphans and himself as the ones responsible for their money. as stated in the biography of Omar by Al-Sallabi. Privatization, and what he earned from his trade were no longer enough for him because he was distracted from it by the affairs of the subjects. so he sent to the companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. and consulted them about it, and he said: I have occupied myself with this matter, so what is right for me in it? Othman bin Affan said: Eat and feed. Said bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail said the same. Omar said to Ali: What do you say about that? He said: Lunch and dinner, so Omar took that. This indicates that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was spending his money and all his time in the way of God and he did not leave anything to be inherited.

Umar’s legacy continues to inspire Muslims today. His contributions to the expansion and development of the Muslim empire were significant, and his strict adherence to the principles of Islam set a high standard for future leaders to follow. Umar’s emphasis on justice, equality, and education continues to shape the Muslim world today, and his life and achievements are celebrated by Muslims around the world.


Umar Ibn al-Khattab’s role during the Prophet Muhammad’s life was significant, and his contributions to the early Muslim community cannot be overstated. Umar’s conversion to Islam marked a turning point in the early history of Islam and paved the way for the eventual establishment of the Muslim empire. Umar’s unwavering commitment to the cause of Islam and his staunch support of the Prophet set an example for future generations of Muslims to follow.


because he differentiated between truth and falsehood. His conversion to Islam was a victory for religion and Muslims. he was famous for his justice and asceticism, and for his strength and courage in the face of injustice and infidelity.

What did Umar Ibn al-Khattab look like?

Ibn Sa’d narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that he described Umar as saying: A white man with a red top, tall, bald and gray. It was narrated that Ubaid bin Umair said: Omar was taller than people. As for the color of Omar-Radi, he differed in it. Because of the different narrations received, and it was said: he was white with a reddish top, and it was said: he was white, then his color changed to tan from eating oil in the year of turning gray, and it was said: he was very tan,

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