Last Updated on December 3, 2024 by Arabian Tongue Team
In a world filled with legends and myths, the concept of jinns has always intrigued and frightened people. These supernatural entities, often associated with Middle Eastern folklore, are believed to possess great powers and a mysterious existence. But have you ever wondered, what are jinns scared of? Delving into the world of jinns, in this article on Arabian Tongue website aims to uncover the hidden fears that haunt these enigmatic beings.
Exploring the Deep-Seated Fears of Supernatural Entities

Jinns, also known as djinns or genies, are supernatural creatures deeply ingrained in the cultures and beliefs of the Middle East. Unlike angels or humans, they are said to be made of smokeless fire, possessing free will and unique abilities. To understand what scares them, we must first comprehend their nature and characteristics, The things that the jinn is afraid of are the following:
The Fear of Iron: A Jinns’ Kryptonite
One of the most well-known fears of jinns is their aversion to iron. Iron is believed to repel these beings, making it a powerful protective tool. This fear is deeply rooted in various ancient texts and stories, where iron has been used to ward off malevolent jinns.
Salt Circles: A Barrier Against Jinns
Salt has long been associated with purity and protection. Many believe that creating a circle of salt can prevent jinns from crossing over into our realm. This practice is often used in exorcisms and rituals.
The Fear of Iron Nails
Similar to their aversion to plain iron, jinns are said to be fearful of iron nails. These nails are used in various protective rituals to keep jinns at bay.
Protective Amulets and Talismans
Jinns are believed to be repelled by various protective amulets and talismans. These objects, often inscribed with sacred symbols or verses, are worn or placed in homes to create a protective barrier.
The Fear of Holy Water
Holy water, blessed by religious authorities, is considered a powerful tool against malevolent jinns. Sprinkling or using holy water in rituals is believed to cleanse an area from their presence.
The Supernatural Fear of Exorcism
Exorcism is a practice used to rid individuals of jinn possession. Jinns are said to fear the rituals involved in exorcism, including the recitation of sacred verses and prayers.
Jinns’ Fear of Mirrors
In folklore, it is said that jinns do not have reflections in mirrors. This absence may be connected to their fear of mirrors, which is an interesting aspect of their mystique.
The Dread of Surah Al-Baqarah

In Islamic tradition, it is believed that the recitation of Surah Al-Baqarah from the Quran can instill fear in jinns. This chapter is considered particularly potent, and its recitation is a common practice to ward off evil jinns.
The Uncertainty of the Unknown
Beyond these tangible fears, jinns may also have fears rooted in the unknown. Their supernatural existence and the uncertainty of their powers may contribute to their cautiousness and wariness.
Where do Jinns live?

In the world of myths, legends, and folklore, the question of where jinns live remains shrouded in mystery. From the ethereal realm to desolate deserts, haunted houses to bustling cities, and water bodies to crossroads, jinns are believed to inhabit a multitude of places. Their elusive nature and ability to exist in both the seen and unseen worlds continue to fascinate and perplex us.
The Ethereal Realm: Jinn’s Native Abode
The primary dwelling place of jinns is the ethereal realm, a dimension that exists alongside our physical world but remains hidden from our senses. This realm is known as the ‘world of the unseen’ and serves as the home base for jinns. It is in this realm that they are born, live, and interact with one another.
Desert Dwellers: Jinns in Isolated Areas
Jinns are often associated with desolate and isolated areas. In many cultures, it is believed that they prefer to live in uninhabited places such as deserts, caves, and abandoned buildings. These locations offer seclusion and solitude, which align with their elusive nature.
Urban Legends: Jinns in Human Abodes
Contrary to popular belief, jinns are not limited to remote areas. Urban legends abound with stories of jinns coexisting with humans in their homes. It is said that they are attracted to places with negative energy or where dark rituals have taken place.
Water World: Jinns Near Water Bodies
Water has a special significance in jinn lore. It is believed that jinns have an affinity for water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some legends suggest that they dwell near these sources, and encountering them near water is not uncommon in folklore.
Haunted Tales: Jinns and Haunted Locations
The association between jinns and haunted locations is a common theme in various cultures. Many haunted houses are believed to be inhabited by jinns who have chosen to make these places their abode. These jinns are often associated with paranormal activities and strange occurrences.
Crossroads and Wilderness: Meeting Points with Humans
Jinns are known to frequent crossroads and wilderness areas, making them potential meeting points with humans. Stories of encounters with jinns at crossroads, especially during the night, are prevalent in many cultures.
jinn in islam are supernatural beings created by Allah from a smokeless, “scorching fire” (Qur’an 55:15). They are distinct from humans and angels and are considered part of the unseen world. The Qur’an describes jinn as creatures with free will, capable of choosing to obey or disobey Allah, just like humans.
what are jinns in quran
what are jinns in quran, jinn are supernatural beings created by Allah from a smokeless, “scorching fire” (Qur’an 55:15). They are distinct from humans and angels and are considered part of the unseen world. The Qur’an describes jinn as creatures with free will, capable of choosing to obey or disobey Allah, just like humans.
- Creation and Nature: Jinn were created before humans. Allah says in the Qur’an: “And the jinn We created before from scorching fire” (Qur’an 15:27). They are created from a type of fire, unlike humans, who were created from clay (Qur’an 38:71-72).
- Free Will: Jinn have free will, meaning they can choose to be good or evil. Just like humans, they will be judged by Allah for their deeds on the Day of Judgment.
- “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Qur’an 51:56)
- Types of Jinn: The Qur’an mentions different types of jinn, including those who are good and obedient to Allah (believers), and those who are evil or rebellious.
- Iblis (Satan): The most famous jinn, who refused to bow to Adam and was cast out of Paradise as a result. Iblis is considered the leader of the evil jinn and the main antagonist to humanity. “And when We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam,’ they prostrated, except for Iblis. He was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord.” (Qur’an 18:50)
- Jinn’s Abilities: Jinn are described as being capable of taking various forms, such as animals or humans, and can be invisible. They are capable of moving quickly, traveling great distances, and even influencing human thoughts or actions, though they are not omnipotent. “Indeed, he (Iblis) and his tribe see you from where you do not see them.” (Qur’an 7:27)
- Jinn and Humans: Jinn can interact with humans, sometimes possessing them or causing harm, but they cannot directly control human actions unless allowed. The Qur’an warns against seeking the help of jinn or trying to communicate with them, as they can be misleading or harmful. “And there are among us [jinn] some that are righteous, and some that are otherwise; we were sects having different ways.” (Qur’an 72:11)
- Jinn and Worship: Jinn, like humans, are accountable for their actions and will be judged based on their faith and deeds. The Qur’an emphasizes that jinn, too, must worship Allah. “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Qur’an 51:56)
- The Surah Al-Jinn: There is a specific chapter in the Qur’an, Surah Al-Jinn (Chapter 72), that is dedicated to the jinn. In this chapter, the jinn express their amazement upon hearing the Qur’an and realize it is a divine revelation. It also discusses their nature, their response to the message of Islam, and their ability to listen to the Qur’an.
- Protection from Jinn: The Qur’an includes several verses that are believed to protect people from the influence of jinn, including Ayat-ul-Kursi (Qur’an 2:255) and the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah (Qur’an 2:285-286). Muslims are encouraged to recite certain supplications for protection.
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Can jinns be controlled by humans?
Jinns are believed to have their own free will and cannot be controlled by humans. However, some rituals and incantations are thought to influence their behavior.
Are all jinns evil?
No, not all jinns are evil. Like humans, they possess free will, and their actions can vary from good to malevolent.
Do jinns have physical forms?
Jinns are said to have the ability to take on different forms, including human-like appearances.
Can jinns possess humans?
Yes, there are beliefs that jinns can possess humans, leading to various psychological and physical disturbances.
Are there ways to communicate with jinns?
Some individuals claim to have communicated with jinns through rituals and mediums, but it is a highly controversial and risky practice.
In the realm of the supernatural, jinns remain enigmatic and mysterious. While they possess great power, they also harbor fears and vulnerabilities. Understanding what jinns are scared of adds another layer to their mystique, reminding us that even the most powerful beings have their weaknesses.